
loveandinspire: I am in danger of ending my life ...I can't break the endless cycle of dark thoughts. I almost never leave my bed or go outside because of what a monstrosity I believe that I am. Does anyone have clinical depression? How did you overcome?
8 years ago Report
Amin9963: You ok
8 years ago Report
uglycow10: People with clinical depression should seek professional help. I am sure that you already know that.. Sitting home in bed is not going to help you.
Also if you have good friends and/or family who can be a source of support to you, that could be very comforting.

These days, if you are properly diagnosed, I am sure that there are medications which can be prescribed to ease your emotional pain and help you to cope with life.


8 years ago Report
garymcevoy50: fancy a scotch
8 years ago Report
Hardlife looking up
Hardlife looking up: I hope you found help and are feeling better ... if not come chat with us on the Mental Health Chat groups ... we are nice people who've been in places just like you
8 years ago Report
uglycow10: nice of you to say so.
8 years ago Report
RebeccaLuv: idk if I'm clinically depressed, but I have tried quite a few times. I have my 100 % positive what that will work next time if I need to. For now, I just think god, if he exists, is messing with me.
8 years ago Report
Hardlife looking up
Hardlife looking up: RebeccaLuv come talk with others if you need us. Someone on almost all the time, we are people just like you ... well some of us are
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: Rebecca, there are several kinds of depression - sometimes there's an organic cause but other times it's purely a spiritual problem. There are solutions for both if you're willing to accept that.

Not seeking the right remedy is making your depression worse. No one can help you if you shove them away. No one needs suicide so don't use it to punish your family and yourself.

God isn't messing with you - from what you say, you haven't let Him into your life. When you push God away, you shut your own receptors down, cutting yourself off from any assistance and strength He's willing to give you. Be a woman. Turn around and face Him.
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: Just want to add that if Loveandinspire had posted this in the Religion Forum, she wouldn't have had to wait 4 months for the first reply.

When I was young, I had suicidal thoughts but nobody used the term "clinical depression". The only medication available was reserved for the institutionalized (insane) and patients who went for electroshock therapy, which destroyed much of their memory.

Suicide still happened but it was uncommon; so was divorce - why? Well, in those days, there was an alternative that seemed to work - community, family support, and religion. Those days ended with the breakdown of the nuclear family. I was suicidal because I had no family, no community.

I overcame my suicidal tendencies by choosing the last straw - turning to religion, the only place where you can find everyone sincerely eager to offer you a family, strong support, and love - instantly. For many years after, the odd suicidal thought passed through my mind but I told it to keep on going - I have God, and every reason to please Him instead of myself.

Five decades have passed since those first thoughts - if I had known what was in store for me, life would still have been just as hard but I'd never have entertained any thought of suicide.
(Edited by Zanjan)
8 years ago Report
RebeccaLuv: Zanjan, you are beyond 100% wrong about god. He was in my life, with me all the time. Then things happened and when I needed him most, he was a casper. I realized I was a fool all those years believing. If he was real, a true god of love, like I had been led to believe, then he would have helped, somewhat. so please, save that junk for those people who want to believe. All it does is hurt and anger me.
7 years ago Report
Zanjan: Right, you wanted God, in His loving Wisdom, to give you something He didn't want to give you. All that time you say He was with you, did He ever do anything to cause you harm? Yet you couldn't find a way to trust Him. Tell me again, who went away??

My dear, there is NOTHING you've been through that comes even close to what *I've* been through in my life - I couldn't possibly have survived any of it (others didn't) if I hadn't hung on to God like a dog with an old sock! That was BEFORE I joined a religion. I had nothing to lose - HE was all I had left.

I thought life was bad before I joined religion but when I joined, I soon learned the real tests had just begun. The stronger a person becomes, the more they can bear on their own; I grew in strength year by year and was able to endure what few others could. Unlike humans, God never let me down, not once. I'm 66 years old. Maybe we asked for different things?

So there you have two entirely different perspectives. If, as you say, there is no God, then surely you could permanently get yourself out of this mess and be a happy, contented person 24/7 without Him, no problem.

Take it from me, nothing anyone says about belief bothers the person who has the courage of their convictions.
(Edited by Zanjan)
7 years ago Report
RebeccaLuv: sorta reminds of the people who believed the earth was flat. They were convinced. They knew it. I'm glad you found peace, all I got was hurt and abandonment. And don't assume things you went through were more horrible than mine. You don't know yet you assume...
7 years ago Report
Zanjan: You don't know what I experienced either ( I only said why) but there's more than enough evidence of who's doing the assuming here.

How many bad incidents have you had in your life? How long did each of them last? Billions of women have had babies; natural birth is all the same, except some do it faster than rolling off a log (inside 30 minutes), while others labour for days. Mercifully, no woman remembers the pain in real time because they don't see it as a bad thing - they see it as a necessary thing.

One bad incident doesn't equal the same bad incident spread out over 5 decades. Likewise, no two bad incidents are equal.

EVERYONE gets hurt many times; EVERYONE experiences abandonment and losses. Everyone has enemies and will feel the cut of a traitor more than a couple of times. Everyone has bled, hurt others, and done many wrongs. Everyone has died a little each time their heart breaks. Why does that happen to everyone? Because these are necessary things.

Tell me what makes YOU so different??? Why the need to feel you deserve death?
(Edited by Zanjan)
7 years ago Report
Zanjan: By the way, I can tell how much a person has suffered by the things they say or don't say. Excellent depth perception doesn't come to anyone by accident - it comes through a LOT of suffering.
(Edited by Zanjan)
7 years ago Report
bethk: could use some lessons in Empathy. The gal asked ya'll how YOU GOT THROUGH IT, and what she got was damn judged for how she's feeling, when you have no clue what the hell she's been through & to minimize her feelings by saying everybody goes through losses, pain etc. as though hers don't matter . Just freakin WOW! I know this was a long time ago now, but I sure hope this poor gal found someone she could relate with to help her get through her rough patch. Suicide is no damn joke and God sure as shit isn't going to damn fix that, anymore than any damn drugs are. Less people would die, possibly, if more people paid attention, gave compassion & understanding & EMPATHY.
7 years ago Report
Zanjan: She didn't ask for empathy - she asked how we overcame suicidal depression. That suggests we had to go through it ourselves and those were the people she wanted to hear from.

Empathy means to IMAGINE one's self in the other's shoes in an attempt to understand what they're feeling. What do you think depression feels like? How many kinds of depression do you think there are? Are some better than others?

I'm not going to tell a bald face lie just to make somebody feel good. Thanks for informing us that suicide is no joke. By the way, where are *your* helpful suggestions - the ones that worked for you?

"Less people would die, possibly, if more people paid attention, gave compassion & understanding & EMPATHY. "

You probably meant well when you judged me.
(Edited by Zanjan)
7 years ago Report
bethk: No Miss Zanjan, she didn't. Empathy should come naturally, if you're Spiritual OR Religious. I have found the best way to offer solace, is to share your experience, strength & hope, no matter what life you came from. So while you're barking at me, again with judgement, I sure didn't see you do that. I know wtf Empathy means thank you. Depression sucks period. No matter how many kinds there are. I'm talking to YOU at the moment because this poor gal might not even be with us anymore. Have YOU ever felt suicidal???? Seems you've had it so much worse than her???? And if ya have, then why don't you SHARE that EXPERIENCE instead of throwing out some bullshit judgements to her or myself?? So answer ME the question, have YOU ever felt or been Suicidal????? And then tell me how you REALLY got through that. THAT IS WHAT SHE NEEDS TO HEAR AND ASKED TO HEAR
7 years ago Report
Zanjan: "while you're barking at me, again with judgement,"

I stated some facts then asked you some questions - that's not judgment.

" I have found the best way....... "

How did you find that? Have you fixed other's depression? Have you saved some lives? I don't know how much more these questions can be clarified until you feel you can answer them.

I really don't think you can impress anyone by shouting at them in capitals. Sounds to me like a cry for help from a troll.

"Have YOU ever felt suicidal????"
"if ya have, then why don't you SHARE that EXPERIENC"

OMG.....why don't you friggin' read the whole thread?? I could tell you why but somehow I don't think it would make any difference to you. So, I leave you to chew on that - don't expect any more responses from me to you.
(Edited by Zanjan)
7 years ago Report
bethk: Good, because I haven't changed my opinion of your responses . Love & Light
7 years ago Report
Blackshoes: Been there', Lower than most have any idea one can go
Suicide is a ticket to Hell for ever and ever !
If it had not been for direct intervention of God through Jesus Christ . I'd not be here to tell you so !
What many don't know nor understand Suicidal thoughts are often from the pit of Hell !
Without God n' Faith', it's not likely you be able to forgive yourself of whatever you feel is wrong with you ?
Jesus Stated that he'll forgive all you've done .
Trust me I'm the worst sinner if not one of the worst that has ever lived .
Jesus Stated All I needed to do is ask', and I'm forgiven forever !
If it's a severe problem ? You'll need to ask for prayer from a pastor or priest
Don't allow pride or another excuse to delay asking for help .
Doctors and friends can only do so much .
Your troubles are spiritual ',We all hear within ourselves Doubt, Fear ,Anger ,Selflolading
My prayer are with you


14:18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

7 years ago Report
RebeccaLuv: Hi are so on target with that other person...I couldn't get through her posts...such close minded judgmental comments she was making. Taking a break, finding a good therapist and time...I noticed that she is a lot like my mom...a petty, close minded tyrant. Beth...thank you for defending me...when I wrote that, I wasn't able to do. And I also have serious issues with this whole jesus, god, religion thing. Read the bible, drink some water and say a prayer...boom, your depression will be gone and so will all the things making you depressed.
7 years ago Report
Blackshoes: RebeccaLuv I posted here to help pray ,and my concern for loveandinspire:
I didn't come here to debate things you have no understanding of .
7 years ago Report
bethk: RebeccaLuv: You're certainly welcome. Each of us are on our own Paths in this life. Each of us goes through life experiences and really none of us can sit here and say, I've been through more than you, for that is all in one's perspective. I believe in a Higher Power. I am Spiritual, not Religious and I'm surely not going to Preach to anybody Nor do I believe people who have passed on by Suicide go to Hell. How can anyone say that when they haven't been to the other side? LOL But then it doesn't matter what I believe. No, this thread wasn't meant for a debate.
I also suffer from Bipolar Depression, so yes, I DO know the deep seeded feelings of despair and yes, I have felt and been suicidal before. Why yes, I've even attempted to take my life. Do I have answers to overcome it? NO, and I didn't claim to either. However, I surely can identify with some of your feelings. With some of the rigid thinkers here, I really don't want to put my business out there on this particular thread. But if you would like to chat one on one, I would be happy to BeFriend you. I must say, I am soooo glad to see you post here, knowing that this thread was started by you like a year ago...anything could have transpired since your original post. I am glad you are here Rebecca Much love & light to you.
7 years ago Report
bethk: I truly hope that Loveandinspire is still with us. Those kinds of feelings are the worst EVER !
7 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Blackshoes 6 years ago)
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