depression (Page 2)

wayne elliott
wayne elliott: I too had a horrible childhood and the weight of depression threatened all facets of life, but I found the doctor experience xtremely frustrating when finally approaching it at 45. Glad to read you have found an answer that helps you - and actually has a double function. Did the doctor say anything about your whiskers and ears?
9 years ago Report
lesliecorinnespencer: Whiskers and Ears? No that would be my cat
9 years ago Report
wayne elliott
wayne elliott: The comment was directed to virgogirlrooster. It's a joke. Look at her picture.
9 years ago Report
lesliecorinnespencer: virgogirlrooster doesn't appear on my screen
9 years ago Report
electrician25hr: I Saw her Whiskers and ears its why she has depression
9 years ago Report
Queen Bee55
Queen Bee55: How do you deal with day to anxiety? What cause it and what what do you do to help?
9 years ago Report
electrician25hr: QB deep breathing excersizes help ALOT with anxiety. Find out the right technique on how to do deep breathing excersizes and try it, it helps for me.
Anxiety is caused by past bad experiences and a chemical brain imbalance.
9 years ago Report
Queen Bee55
Queen Bee55: Thank you Love. I have been managing it better. I just have problems with change, even though it is good changes. I just doubt myself easily.
9 years ago Report
wayne elliott
wayne elliott: Yes QB, change can be very confronting, and it threatens to disrupt whatever method we have in place to cope with the world and upsets the delicate balance. My parents taught me I was of no consequence and that I could never amount to anything - despite my obvious ability with several artistic pursuits. In the real world I was surprised how well recieved my efforts were. Unfortunately the ingrained negativity undermined all that, and when something failed it was devastating. My attitude now is one of 'who cares anymore' after putting in a life-long exhausting effort to fix something they broke. Art is still my escape.
9 years ago Report
electrician25hr: Life IS changing all the time. Imagine how boring life would be if it was the same thing day after day?
9 years ago Report
rubie26: have suffered post natel depression half the time you dont realy now just how bad it is but if you are able to own up to it you are brave !!, please try to seek help and counsling try to open up as much as possible dont let it get the the point where you have suicidal thoughts , medication may be away to help aswell but if you dont want to be medicated then there are other alternatives ! good luck hope you get back on track happy to listen if any one ever needs to have a vent
9 years ago Report
(Edited by jahzah)
9 years ago Report
baard: I can help. just let me know... happy new year everybody
9 years ago Report
SuperNovanika85: Depression runs through my dad's side of the family. I'm married now and have a puppy- and I exercise a fuckin lot- go hiking, camping, mt biking, snowboarding, kayaking- and socialize with people at the dog park. Staying active & knowing someone who loves you will sorta cure it.. lifting weights! (also keep yourself busy with work)
(Edited by SuperNovanika85)
9 years ago Report
wayne elliott
wayne elliott: Depression runs in my family too, and Super is right about having something to occupy you - something that you love to do. Animals are a great source of unconditional love and will never judge you.
9 years ago Report
LilBriBri91: I have severe depression myself and taking meds is bs they put u on meds to get addicted all you need is a supportive bunch of ppl and talk it out and meditate it doesnt get rid of it but it can help hope you do ok depression is a bad condition that kills lots of ppl so dont ever think your alone cause your not
9 years ago Report
DarkKnightbc: Depression is challenging to treat. Some are helped by medication, some support groups and other it is a combination of both. I have been taking something called Eleviv ( it does not replace medication or counseling.) but for me it keeps me having to get medication
9 years ago Report
Galaxy Miss Fortune
Galaxy Miss Fortune: I have depression bipolar and general anxiety also PTSD. I take medication and I see a therapist. It seems to be helping somewhat so far with it.
9 years ago Report
debglbt: I'm Deb and I have Deb's Mental Health Support Room here on wire. Come visit if you need to hang out with others dealing with depression and other mental health issues. I am disabled from bipolar disorder and anxiety. I see my psychiatrist, therapist and take meds. If I can help or just listen let me know.
9 years ago Report
Elle_Calds: I was depressed, stressed, and have anxiety before. I don't want to go somewhere, I don't want to do all the things I was doing before, and I don't even want to talk to somebody before. But a friend introduced me to this amazing product that can help take away my depression, stress, and my anxiety. My friend told me to try it for 30 to 90 days, if this product don't work on you, stop buying it! The I tried it for 90 days, and this helped me relaxed and focus and concentrate. Right now, I do the things that I don't want to do before, I'm talking with people now! I'm very happy that my friend introduced me to this product. If you want to try this product, please leave me a message or email me at: or just simply go to my website to order at: or

9 years ago Report
swt36969: seek help and doctors advice!
8 years ago Report
SillySally8: no word from is he doing now??
great starting my journey now...its hard and scary and somedays I don't want to do it..but I believe if I keep moving forward and remain mindfull I will figure it out with some help

be well everyone
8 years ago Report
wayne elliott
wayne elliott: Sally, you are definitely not Silly to have a go, it's important to try every door in the hope it will lead to freedom. In Canada you would have a very good system I would think, and its important that you like and trust your medical support. Good luck and you are not alone.
8 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 7 years ago)
classylady61: Everybody has a depress time in their life. It is natural but you have to know when to ask for help and don't be too shame to ask.
8 years ago Report