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Mouse/rats in the kitchen (Page 4)

Illuminatist: When all else fails....

Nuke 'em

11 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: It's the only way to be sure....

11 years ago Report
cinebar140: beware plp sweeping up certain old mice droppings in a old shed. breathing it..certain mice dropping dust.. can kill
11 years ago Report

Sorry, I couldn't resist
11 years ago Report
uglybetty1: We had the same prob;em a few years ago and we called in Orkin. Hopefullu you are in the ysa and can do the same.They put little black boxes with poisin pellet in every corner and they put wire by any entry points at the botton of the walls in the house.....not a rat's been seen since then. ....and do throw out anything that had rat droppings on it.....or it is dishware....just dot some mega hot water cleaning with a touch of clorox. Also, try not to leave any food particles hanging around.
Good luck
11 years ago Report
Itsnotyouitsme: Or... you can solve it like any regular person...Hire the best mouse/rat natural killer there is, AKA Cat.
11 years ago Report
Corwin: Cats don't solve the problem by a long shot. First of all, no intelligent mammal will eradicate it's main food supply... cats don't eradicate mice and rats... they farm them, and occasionally cull the herd.

And secondly.... haven't you learned anything from watching cartoons?
11 years ago Report
Aura: you know childhood is over when you stop rooting for Jerry and start feeling sorry for Tom.
11 years ago Report
Itsnotyouitsme: couldn't stop laughing, its been a long time i wanted tom to move on to better things hehe. This one time i saw a cat playing with mouses heads... that got me.
11 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: They still allow shotguns in the kitchen, right? BLAM!
11 years ago Report
Hyenablood: I just had a shrew invade my bedroom, I live in the basement. It just scurried on in as if if lived there !! well we set a few traps and a day later BOOM, no more shrew.
11 years ago Report
11 years ago Report
dave3974: i did not think cats were that organised corv
11 years ago Report
Corwin: Not so much organized... just instinct. Cats and mice follow the same predator/prey dance that exists in nature... they've just chosen our homes as the battlefield.
The Fox hunts the Rabbit, but there are still Rabbits. The Bat hunts the Moths, but there are still Moths.

Predators and prey live in symbiosis with each other... each depending on the other for survival.
The Rabbit needs the Fox, or they would breed out of control and deplete their food supply. The Fox needs the Rabbit for sustenance.
And each side striving to stay one step ahead of the other in the fight to survive.

So the Cat, by culling the herd, insures that the only mice that will survive, are the mice that have a genetic predisposition to outsmart the cat. When this happens over several generations, your Cat killing-machine has unwittingly bred a smarter breed of mouse.
Tom & Jerry is closer to reality than you may think.

I've had a family of mice that not only could outsmart a cat, but could steal the bait out of the traps... even peanut butter would be licked clean off of it without setting it off.
Time for Chemical Warfare when it comes to that.
11 years ago Report
Nicorrette: I have too!
11 years ago Report
Hyenablood: when I was a young girl, we would move bales of hay in our barn, and naturally there would be mice and baby mice around. I would grab the mice by the tail and put them all in a rubber boot. Even the babies ( which wouldn't survive long under my care ) my family learned to shake out any footwear before sliding their feet into it. Even today I think mice, rats and other rodents are sweet little creatures.
11 years ago Report
Nicorrette: I mind verry much mice and rats cause at the country side they can be dangerous inside kitchen and most of all to hens!
11 years ago Report
Corwin: I actually agree with you on that, Hyena. Rodents are somewhat cute little mammals... and highly intelligent. Which is why although it becomes necessary to eradicate them when they become a nuisance, I firmly believe it should be done in a humane manner.

There are a few schools of thought on this...

Spring-traps are assuredly lights-out in a split-second.

I've heard some claim that poison is cruel... but it's actually more like a drug-overdose... they have a high-high before they drop, and they prefer the poison over table-scraps. Some claim that it endangers other predators who may eat a rodent with a belly-full of poison... but most predatory animals, such as Raptors, will only eat living prey while the blood is still warm.

Sticky-paper is horribly inhumane... a friend of mine used to use it, and the poor little things would chew their own limbs off in an attempt to escape.

And then we have Cats... who tend to play with their food... they wound the rodent, and then toy with it, allowing it to momentarily escape so it can be captured over and over. The rodent usually dies of exhaustion in a state of desperate fear... or is eaten alive.

I think poison is still the best... think about it... if you were a Rodent, which method would you prefer?
11 years ago Report
cinebar140: run little mice for your
11 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: get an outside cat, to keep them away from the house- and black snakes in the yard
11 years ago Report
Corwin: Oh yeah..... I'm sure that would work.
11 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: my cat leaves dead mice all over the yard
11 years ago Report
Corwin: Sure, but your cat doesn't climb through the walls and ceilings, and under the floor-boards, and get them where they live.

My comment from Page 1 of this thread:
"Cats only cull the rodent population, not eliminate it. No intelligent animal hunts it's food source to extinction.... in a sense, the cats just "farm" the rodents."

The "cat & mouse" game you see on cartoons like Tom & Jerry is based on a very real thing. The same sort of predator/prey game that has been going on for millions of years.
This is evolution/adaptation in action, and in real-time.

Introduce a predator, and you will create smarter prey. The cat's "cull" the slower/stupider mice from the herd, and only the clever/faster mice survive to breed. If this were not the case, there would be no mice... or cats for that matter... they would have gone extinct millions of years ago.

The same goes for the traps... introduce traps, and you will create a clever "trap-thief" herd of mice that can pick the bait right off of the darned things without setting them off.

Poison is the only "final solution" for a rodent problem. They love the stuff, and will seek it out, regardless of where you put it. It's like an irresistible drug for them. They will come to feed, and tell all their friends about it, until every last one of them is gone.
11 years ago Report
Nicorrette: my male cat has cought 2 rats !Im proud of him!I made him lieutenant!
11 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: my dog just caught a mouse, better rodent killer than the cats
5 years ago Report