To lose weight... XFixYourBrainX: To lose weight you can do many different things. I'm an ex world power lifting champion and the training and diet actually wasn't a real diet. I ate anything I wanted, but I just watched what I ate. Controlling our metabolism is the trick. The faster your metabolism is the more energy our bodies burn. The less food you eat the slower the metabolism is. If I want to lose weight I can eat good meals for 1 or 2 weeks after the 1 or 2 weeks is over your metabolism is in high gear, next stop eating for 1-2 days then eat a very small meal the 3rd day eat a regular breakfast the 4th day but nothing else the 4th day, your metabolism is moving incredibly fast at this time burning fat and calories. The 5th day eat a snack at breakfast and lunch but small snacks 6th day eat a nice meal at lunch, 7th day eat a regular breakfast and lunch to speed up the metabolism. The 8th day eat nothing, and finally the 9th day eat a good breakfast but small dinner. Remember we wake up every morning about 3 pounds lighter. I guarantee if you can follow this you will lose 5- 10 pounds in 9 days Harlet: hope you don't mind if i join in on this thread ^^^^^^ your advise is too strick and sereve for us common folks, a simple way too steadily lose weight is too move the body, by simply walking eleven miles a week and it is acculmative you will stop putting on visercal body fat, the fat that surrounds the organs and pushes forth the belly and expands the rib cage,add another eleven miles and you stop putting on superfiscal external body fat,of course with a sensible eating style and habits, i do not beleive in denying myself that piece of devils food cake, i just have a slimmer slice,you all have heard of slim shots. it's a all natural appetite supressant. the key ingredient is 100% natural palm oil, the rest is added flavor and to liguidify it,so..oh if you know me, you know i always say go to amazon and price 100 % natural palm oil. then get you a can,that's right a can, it isn't in the form of a vegetable or peanut oil, in it's natural state and quality it resembles crisco or lard, you'll have to experiment with teaspoon verses tablesppon of, it is naturally sweet, the science is, it will melt threw out your digestive tract and coat all the nokes and crannies, there by sadating your appetite,i use a gazelle,for my miles, it is no impact cardio simulates cross counrty sking machine, so that as i am tighening toning my insides i am also toning my outside, but you know too each their own excersize...... Harlet: did someone say they don't any fancy equpiment or the money for any, yes you do,got a roof over your head don't ya,well busy yourself doing the strut you, never mind the model pony stepping, do the god/goddess of being healthy by putting one foot in front of the other and strut, your hips will naturally sway be sure to thrust your hips forward,and strut your domain, do a litle hand jive while at it, you know hand talking and reach for ceilng without skipping a stride, reach for the walls,of course there is always a comes with consequences for moving thy body in healthy ways, such as having it make love to you out of no where. ![]() Wildfirex: I think tricking your metabolism is pretty easy. i do it... except I switch the amount of calories i take in everyday and then i fast somedays and its all under 800 calories. makes me sleep alot but it works lol. spankdmonkey: Pokeman i dont know where you get that from that we lose 3 pounds overnight while asleep .It has never happened to me .Also i dont think fasting for 24 hours is a good idea and then only having breakfast all this over 9 days but what about the 2 weeks you ate prior ?So realy it is over 23 days .For a 9 pound loss is not worth it ,I go to the gym just do a normal weight workout for one hour and lose a kilo and a half each workout .That is at a normal paced workout .Im sure if i power walked for a hour i would lose over 3 kilos a hour or a high impact aerobics or boxercise ia"m sure I would lose even more ..In hindsight exercise is the best way to lose weight and to eat sensible .Trim all fat of meats ,Grill your meats to drain all fats ,And when you cook meat press your meat after it with a towel or cloth to get all the fat out of it .Dont eat chicken skins or any skins . .Simple if you dont want to get fat dont eat fat.I dont believe in diets but eat sensible never stuff yourself when eating only eat what you need, not what you think you need ,to be full to be content ,Power walking is the best way to lose weight concistency .is the trick to it all .if you can only walk ten minutes at a time do 3 ten minute walks throughout the day .As you get fitter then do it all at once .Fat has built up around the stomach area over years and the thighs and other places , that fat has hardened and congealed ,Imagine when you see a pan full of cold fat it looks hard then you warm it up it melts and becomes thin .So what the go is and i done these studies myself It is called the Martin principle and works very well as I train people in all sorts of fitness from armed combat boot camp weight lifting body building aerobics Stretch expert ,remedial and theraputic massage and many more credentials Iam also a food and nutritionist .And if you want to lose weight quicker get the baby oil or some other type massage oil out .and for 15 minutes rub your stomach and thighs continuously rubbing and kneeding the lard what this does is breaks the fat up loosens it up also warms it up and makes it more workable then after fifteen minutes then go for your walk while still warmed up and keep the area you rubbed warm while walking . You will end up losing more weight then someone that doesnt do it .I have never published these findings but they work .If you dont believe me get a friend to go for a walk with you for 30 minutes a brisk walk swinging your arms .You massage yourself for 15 minutes and your friend does not .Then go for the walk you will find the person that had the massage loses a lot more then the person that did not .What a lot of people do not realise they do a half hour workout or walk and just as they are finishing the congealed fat has not warmed up enough to strip any of it of .Its still congealed ,But if you have rubbed and kneeded it first it has broken up a lot thinned out and easier to strip when melted just like it works in a fry pan .You walk in the heat you strip more it stands to reason ..Fitness is a different thing alltogether we are talking about burning fat here only .the more you do the more you burn .Never starve yourself because allthat does is gives you no fuel to burn no energy and food is energy (Edited by spankdmonkey) alittledifferent: that sounds kinda gross, massaging your fat before you go out for walk. lol. just sayin. spankdmonkey: Yes it does sound a bit off putting .But works very good..dont know if youve ever seen someone running and jogging and wearing a plastic bag around there waist or a thermal belt around there gut .The reason being to swet, the fat up quicker around your stomach and heat it to jog it of quicker . The problem is with that you can get pains in the kidneys if you do it to often as your kidneys and liver need to breath .So its not a good idea to wear it for long periods ..The massage is a lot better and safer and if you have a partner it can be a lot of fun to get regular massages of your boyfriend or girlfriend to loosen the congealed fat up .They dont have to be just at training times the more massages you get the more it loosens the fat and the more it loosens the easier it is to work or run of .And you can have a lot of fun with massages as you should know lol mrluckymatt: If you want to lose weight, do it the right way. Just eat healthy and exercise. People need to quit looking for the cheap quick fix, and get their lazy butt off of the sofa and put the work in. If you put forth the effort, you will see results. If you sit back on your couch thinking a magic pill will solve your problems, then dream on my friend, dream on. BenevolentPeckerwood: Having lived with many overweight/obese people over the years and seeing what worked and what didn't, I offer the following: 1. If you haven't already done so, ditch any sodas from your diet that have sugar or HFCS. Unsweetened tea is a great replacement once you get used to the taste. 2. WALK. Often. Try to find a partner to walk with so that it's not so boring--it makes the time pass faster. Find a nice-looking area(s) to do your walks in. 3. Whole wheat may not taste as good as regular flour, but it really makes a difference in how your body processes. Wherever possible, cook with whole wheat flour and honey instead of bleached flour and sugar, and buy whole wheat goods. 4. Eat a big breakfast (but a smaller lunch/dinner); this, like walking, needs to be done early in the day to set your metabolism higher for the rest of the day. 5. Use olive oil in all of your cooking and as a dip for breads. Coconut oil, in small amounts, also helps because it gives you the good kind of cholesterol which counters the bad kind. 6. Stay away from people who obsess over your weight; it can be a de-motivator and listening to their input won't make the pounds go away any faster. Brocksamson: i could lose a few pounds i feel now, too im not as young as i was and my metabolism is starting to slow down >.< maybe i can't eat pizza and large moca coffees everyday now .sigh Lediannaia_Koroleva: Do the workouts offered on BodyRock, they last from 10 to 20 minutes and they help you become active, lose weight, be in shape, become stronger as well as other benefits. I've been doing these workouts from more than a month and I feel way better now, plus they don't take a lot of time, you can do them any time of the day and in a really small space in your own room. As you start doing them, you'll feel your performance increases from very low to very high performance. The couple that offers these workouts, Zuzana and Frederick, also talk about diets, good nutrition and other interesting topics that help you be healthy and in a really good shape. Men and women, experts and beginners can be part of BodyRock workouts! Youtube channel: Blog: DiIIy: 30mins of exercise a day, dont eat packaged foods that are high in fats n sugars, eat good fresh fruits veges meats n fish and stay offline as much as possible Keep it simple dont have high expectation and little by little goals can be achieved. xxfishgrownup: i just drink soup at night sometimes meat soup but eat a lot in the morning, does it work? | Health Chat Room Similar Conversations |