What's wrong with me??? (Page 10)

the worst ever
the worst ever: Maybe he was a cheater too.
13 years ago Report
(Post deleted by THABLACKKNIGHT 13 years ago)
combie2812: hay
13 years ago Report
THABLACKKNIGHT: Call a DR(GP) to get an assessment done for depression,see if he can suggest some type of medication to treat mild depression and so you dont have to see a shrink and stuff latter down the road as it might progress cheers and good luck xo
13 years ago Report
Bruno_Morita: you know, what am I doing here? lol life sucks anyway
13 years ago Report
Typical Kidd
Typical Kidd: So what the fuck is wrong with being different?! Emo or not, I'm still human. They shut me out like an alien....
13 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 12 years ago)
RandomMale: If you felt you could help him by being with him you made a mistake.
I have been thru the same thing andthat was the mistake I made
9 years ago Report
calypso84: Now I know that, RandomMale. But it's been long time ago. A lot of things have changed and I'm not with him anymore.
9 years ago Report
varun4ever: She's awesome! ^^
9 years ago Report
RandomMale: Glad to hear that I also married someone with depression issues and I thought I could help but I ruined my own life and at the end concluded that only a professional psychologist may be able to do that.
9 years ago Report
classylady61: Calypso84. Thank God u free of him. How did you walk away. Do u ever see him now? I am glad that u found the courage to walk away. You deserve a better life with someone who can make u happy. Did he get help?
9 years ago Report
calypso84: He did get help, eventually. I pushed him to do that and then walked away. He needed therapy more than anything else. It's been a few years now since I left him. We don't see each other,but we do chat on fb sometimes. He's doing really fine right now. That makes me happy too
9 years ago Report
classylady61: Always remind yourself that u r a special person. If you & him was meant to be you all would still be together but there was other plans for you. There are good things for you in your life. Take it and enjoy it. You will find the right love and when it comes to you believe me you will know it is the right one.
9 years ago Report
calypso84: Thank you for your kind words,classylady I always wondered how it is to have a feeling that "this is the one"... Never experienced it, though
9 years ago Report
kekko90ITA: Ive not read much but I understand enough (my last relationship broken coz of my bad health reason and I let go her yrs ago to no ruin her life).. and I want simply to share my with you and you all, remembering you that we need to learn to forgive, understand people and above-all... more hard maybe.. to forgive ourselves, forgive our reactions.. have nice path all!
9 years ago Report
classylady61: Calypso84. You are welcome. That what I tell my daughters. Never give up. Remember also we as women have interstrenght that we can overcome everything. I tell young ladies don't chase love stand still it will find you. Let u in on something. I didn't find the wow kind of love until I was 50. All the rest that I thought was love it wasn't. So don't you give uo. Love has no age. I found that out. Glad that I found it before I got to a retirement home. Lol
9 years ago Report
classylady61: Kekko. You are a special person. I can tell by the things you said. You too shall find love. You will find that person that will not look at your health but will see your kind heart.
9 years ago Report
9 years ago Report
Devils Never Cry
Devils Never Cry: I lost a sock once.
8 years ago Report
Will_777: I am sorry for what you went through a few years back. A good relationship is where there is a balance between give and receive (not take). If both the people in the relationship gives the SAME and a huge amount of time, energy and care, then nothing will be able to break that. You did something great though - even though the relationship was painful at the end, you never lied about how you felt about him - which is commendable! And even though it hurt you, you still stayed in touch with him and helped him with his problem after you broke it off. Not a lot of people care enough to do so - but you did.

To him: I am glad that he went for the therapy and that he is doing better. He is lucky to have someone that cares so much about him that she was willing to be there for him even though she was barely keeping together herself.

To you: WELL DONE . You managed to help him and get yourself through all of that. You are a strong person and I truly hope that the time when you felt as broken as 4 years ago has passed completely so that you will be able to find true happiness and smile again with no more pain hidden in corners of your heart.
8 years ago Report
calypso84: Thank you, Will for your beautiful words.
That relationship was definitely one of the darkest moments in my life. And one of the toughest lessons. Despite all the pain, I also learned a lot. In this case it's very true that sometimes, in order to pick someone up, you have to make yourself fall down. This is how I felt back then. I like the theory that says that we come to people's lives for a reason. If so, now I know why we met.
I hope you understand "Heart" also better now

I'm much better nowadays. Got back my peace and balance.
(Edited by calypso84)
8 years ago Report
Alex_flame: I had problem with bipolar disorder. But it's better now. It was like a faze in my life. Wasn't easy. But with help of good people it desappeard. Thank God. Hope it never come back. But definitly that is the condition when people are not good enough for getting into some realtionship. ))
8 years ago Report
pegas64: I ll give you a solution in 5 Step to deal with someone who don't want to heal from a disease and protect yourself in case you think that's too much to handle with the situation, it truly work, trust me i'm a Nurse male .

1°) Approch the person with a normal walk
2°) Arm your leg
3°) Kick his balls, or the stomach (karaté or kung fu style or wich martial art you want)
4°) Leave.
5°) Found another person and live, be happy.


The person will be hurt, but you will be free and happy.

You can't save all people i this world. It's not your job ^^. And they need to help themselves before someone can provide support.

If they don't want? Let them where they are and let professionnal take care of the situation . we will work for you
(Edited by pegas64)
8 years ago Report
Alex_flame: You really got the point
8 years ago Report