What's wrong with me??? (Page 6) CourtGesture: What is your point, dear memberX???? That there is no truth??? How can everyone possibly be right and wrong at the same time. This seems a rather pointless conclusion that you are drawing. memberX: Dating sites are so funny places...one the first questions that the ladies will ask you are: Are you married? The funny thing about that is the answer and the reaction of your answer. Answer:"Yes Im, but not in the moment" Reaction:"hahaaha you;re interesting(read...I want to make love with you somewhere...in the near future) memberX: I dont want to fuck anyone from here, but I sure will like to have fun and laugh. So please...make my wish come true and dont take things so seriously. Probably if you dont have date in real life by now, or you are not married yed...you will fail to do that here...again and again... lets just have some fun... flying carpet: never mind! member x! don't waste your precious speeches on mindless creatures.they cannot understand who were ADAM And EVE....hahahahahahahahaha...have fun ..enjoy..attention!!!!." you can get flu if you went near to the CHICKEN...hahahahahaha azmeep: i was witha similar guy.... he was depressive and i was too much committed, u know like, i forgot my own good just like u did... and, after 4 years, he cheated on me... he said, he lost track.... well, i figured out that isnt what i deserve after all i did.. so, we broke up.... there's nothing wrong with you, that's what i wanted to say.... u will understand the rest.. flying carpet: @azmeep; are you guiding her ? " i think a lame hand cannot support the other lame"..and its well said "A woman should say: "Have I made him happy? Is he satisfied? Does he love me more than he loved me before? Is he likely to go to bed with another woman?" If he does, then it's the girlfriends' fault because she is not trying to make him happy....hahahahahahahahahaha calypso84: @flying carpet: It's really sad to read you comment. Pretty cheuvinistic point of view. I'm sure you don't know even what are you talking about! First you say how beautiful love is and that true love is when you give everything expecting nothing back but,after reading your last comment,I see it works only one sided-when a woman sacrifices herself to a man! And who are you calling a lame? You don't understand a thing from what people saying here! At least you seem so...You have your own,pretty unstable point of view and every single person that doesn't agree with you is immediately attacked by you! Have a little respect to people! They deserve that not less than you! (Edited by calypso84) memberX: no he is right...you can not place a blame on one person, when its happening... my advice to you ladies...think twice always...even before you reply cause the wisdom and truth is only one. flying carpet: @azmeep..i am sorry if you felt bad mam!!!! and memeber X! thanks to support me..hats of for you...sometimes, admitting is better than in argument as you know that men are superior and really we are...cheers ..lets enjoy ...hahahahahahahahahahahahahha memberX: thats it I barely speak for my ex ... cause I know that in the end I will share the blame for failing... cheers...you should change you nick in "carpet of wisdom" lol flying carpet: @MEMBER x;thank you boss..somewhere when i do something wrong, i always found you were there to support me..thanks A LOT TO TEACH ME A LOT...I AM LEARNING..TO BECOME LIKE YOU.. calypso84: Hahaha just like a sheep following its shepherd!!! Cheers for blind followers!! hahahahahahha lmao azmeep: people who cant think for themselves seek shade in the trees in other's garden... and they are the ones who speak of wisdom.... funny the way it is... flying carpet: no comments caly! we know we men are capable to do what we want!!! and forgiveness is our character that you people not have.." be wise and teach others to be wise is all" and making others feel good is rather better than feeling themselves deep hurt..possess a quality of woman that you know how to....hahahahahahahahahahahaha calypso84: @flying carpet: unlike you,I can read with understanding lol Besides,you're saying that women can't forgive? Any scientific research that can prove that? memberX: forgive but do not forget cause next time you could end up in the same situationa ladies...thank you for the inspiration... hahahah kisssssssssssssss | Health Chat Room Similar Conversations |
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