What's wrong with me??? (Page 5)

Mew_: <duMB> i don't remember that this was your thread anyhow FlyCarpet. I wasn't really talking to you anyway and i can see that you don't understand clearly what i am saying.and i'm okay with that. This was not an arguement just people voicing or lending some positive vibe and understanding to this thread. i understand that some people are intellectually and socially challenged and it's not my fault. i understand that people have their own opinions and i'm very cool with that. If you want to rant like a mad schoolgirl then please induldge yourself LMAO KnoCk YouRselF OUT!!!!
13 years ago Report
memberX: kellee your post is so stoopid retarded and pointless...
13 years ago Report
flying carpet
flying carpet: okez!kelly... and thanks member X! you are good person. hats off for you..." chapter closed"
13 years ago Report
memberX: the thing is that they are provoking all the time...

there will be no male members insulting or we going to hell together here !
13 years ago Report
memberX: and fuck them and their frustrations, I will fight till the end.
13 years ago Report
flying carpet
flying carpet: calm down man! you know ,I expect Woman will be the last thing civilized by Man.
13 years ago Report
memberX: hahahhahahaha
13 years ago Report
flying carpet
flying carpet: member X! let them do..you know , the things will Solemnly go right because All women are basically in competition with each other for a handful of eligible men.

and you know ! we both are eligible men...so let them fight for us!
13 years ago Report
flying carpet
flying carpet: and also A man is as good as he has to be, and a woman is as bad as she dares.
13 years ago Report
Np19: somtimes you may love someone to the point where your emotions doont let you see things clearly. in this day and age its hard to find someone who will stick with you throughout the hard times and its great to see that you have done so much for this guy. alot of the times when someone suffers from any sort of mental related issue, they dont have full control of their mind, this does not mean that they are not decent or good, it just means sometimes they need that extra support. when you are dealing with people who suffer from these issue who dont want medical help then you must find a different approach to help them deal with the issue, its not easy but if you love someone that much then you'll do it, sometimes although it seems wrong you might have to even play pschological mind games with them to help them.
13 years ago Report
memberX: very real picture and solution of the problem khan...
the case that we have here is like...
she loves, but he lust for her....or vice versa...

what shall we do it those situations?
13 years ago Report
memberX: or if you wish its a case more of "un returned love"?
13 years ago Report
Np19: i think alot of the times we confuse lust for love, when you get caught up in not being able to establish what is love and what is lust then things can get pretty tricky...
you gotta step away from yourself and assess the situation, if your putting in all the hard work or love and not getting it back in return then the truth is that your probably too naieve and you will get hurt emotionally.
member x i think its all about how we really choose to use or mind and how we learn to cope with the truth, some people although they know the truth cannot cope with it so they manipulate their mind into thinking the truth isnt really true, if that makes sense.
if you love someone but they lust for you then what you get is simple, you will do anything for the one you love and get hurt along the way, the one who lusts will do anything to get into your panties and when that isnt an option they will go panty hunting elsewhere to fulfill their desire.

so the bottom line is if you love and only get lust in return then the truth is your relationship will not last forever, as soon as you lose your looks or your body or get a few wrinkles the one who lusts will soon be gone. its up to you if you love them, but if your just an object of desire and fulfillment of someones sexual urge then your love is fooling you and taking you on the road to alot of tears and heartaches.
13 years ago Report
calypso84: memberX: I didn't mention even once about sexual lust so why the hell are you making such conclusions? I repeat once again: you don't know how this relationship looked like when he wasn't sick. If it was as f*cked up as it was when he got his episode,I wouldn't waste my time being with him. It's hard to understand a person with bipolar for us,healthy ones. And it really makes me wonder how after little pieces of what I've said about my life with him,you just make opinions in which (omfg) you truly believe! That's shortsighted.
13 years ago Report
memberX: well, anyway sorry for that and I'm glad that we have someone who can explain both of the possible situations in one relationship here in a very clear way.
13 years ago Report
flying carpet
flying carpet: for all women i would say
"“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

and "“The first duty of love is to listen.”


“Don't rely on someone else for your happiness and self worth. Only you can be responsible for that. If you can't love and respect yourself - no one else will be able to make that happen. Accept who you are - completely; the good and the bad - and make changes as YOU see fit - not because you think someone else wants you to be different.”

(this is pointed to the topic)..
13 years ago Report
calypso84: Mhm Nice quotes,flying carpet Do you know who is a person that is quoting others most of the time? The one that has nothing to say him/herself.
13 years ago Report
flying carpet
flying carpet: hey caly! sometimes silence is a better cure . and always try to learn from others. for example, a big tree,even keeping lots of silence,provides shade to the passengers,even though stuck by the man kind.I was very sorry when I found out that your intentions were good and not what I supposed they were.

member X! More men are sorry for speaking, than keeping silence.It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are...hats off!!!!!!!

thus in friendship, there are no sorries.only thousand of smiles.( pointing to both ( caly and member X)

13 years ago Report
calypso84: Which my intentions?
13 years ago Report
flying carpet
flying carpet: of conversation......
13 years ago Report
CourtGesture: Nevermind him, he's just having another psychotic episode.
13 years ago Report
memberX: Just like you have your delusional trips.
13 years ago Report
CourtGesture: Exactly my point, dear memberX.
13 years ago Report
memberX: Here averyone is right and wrong at the same time...so dont waiste your time on pointless conclussions.

13 years ago Report

And members like him are the mooving force of the forum.
Without that, this would be a place of virtual cemetery and last chance for desperately old ladies and dudes that cant find sex in real life.
13 years ago Report