What's wrong with me??? (Page 12) moonwhisper: i don't want to live on this planet surrounded by people such as most of the commentators, you are an offence to the air that you breathe and you know nothing of love. You are an offence to the water that you drink. imperfect corruption that comes from slutty wombs and defiled fathers. You know nothing of Love, you just want to sweet talk to people. Which one of you will leave their own children when they are suffering in any way ! You are not even worthy to have reproductive organs just to bring more corrupting in this world. Stop inspiring people not to love. you are leading her into death and a meaningless carnal life devoid of every emotion and life. classylady61: Moon you don't want to live with the people here? Guess what. They don't want to live with you. xanderjoel: when you have sex with someone a while , a bond is created , its primordial. ditch the drama, you will love again. Just takes time to create new bond. pegas64: Love, being love, giving love, we all can love at some point. The real deal is, when love is near self sacrifice, could we can say it's real love? You have 4 hours. psychodelish: it seems the majority of people have love so fucked, from games and lies and deceit, trust, lack of trust, baggage, the baggage of others, loving someone is so easy (you would think), it should be easy. seems as though fewer and fewer are able to fully trust and have faith in their next love interest, and lack basic fundamentals to let love be enjoyed for what it is (Edited by psychodelish) thinplaces3: I am going to tell you from a male point of view and a life long counselor. Your boyfriend is a user.He is using you to get his way. Guys know, and many females, know how to make you feel bad. "Oh, poor Me" Never cares about how you feel but will blame you for his problem. The thing that you need to understand is that you can only control you, and he can only control himself. Your depression, etc. is allowing him to keep in control..and he knows it. You need to stay away completely from him because he is a classic user. Your situation is a classic example of a user and an "enabler" You are the enabler because you try to understand, help and change him. That will not happen for him until he decides to take control of his own life and you need to take control of your life. You will find a love that loves you for you. You cannot no make him right or change him. However, the whole thing to me is about you! Take charge of your life and do not get sucked into other people want to use your good nature. kittybobo34: very good adice Thinplace3. I was a sexual plaything for a guy from the age of 4, You have to take charge of your own life. WkD_GeNeRaL: If your addicted to each other you need to ask what it is your addicted to in order to keep going through what you are ..., thing is he may have an issue but u may also have an issue as your being drawn to his behaviour also your acceptingbthe treatment your receiving by staying YouHaveMail: I laster 13 years eventually walked out --- walk out before he brings you down with him Ang3lBlaz3: All i can tell you is in order for me to be with someone they would have to work on their personal issues first. This is why its so important to get to know someone before you make a commitment. Because their problems, become your problems. And we aren't always in a place where we can handle whats going on in our own lives and then take on another persons baggage as well. I dont think your depressed but more stressed having to deal with what hes going through. Hes dragging you down and itsnot fair to you. Your world should not have to revolve around a roller coaster of emotions. Life is passing you by because your going to always be under his dark cloud with him. And its not fair to you because you need to feel sunshine on your face and to be happy and to love life. Tell him that you need some time apart so that he can work on his issues. Just say that you will be there for him, support him in any way you can. Its not selfish! Vanellion: i know i'm too lazy too read so where it is about idk and the best remedy for depression is something you think it isn't a limited lonely close up too realize what you have and miss it sound extreme but helps or show him the love you have knowing someone loves you is there for you is the best remedy Vanellion: Well being in a negative zone, makes a positive person also go negative. If your always happy and smile and for example with someone who says i wish i was dead what has my life for sense the sun comes up goes down and one day we die anyway. You see that behave and even you try too cheer it stays negative then slowly inside you start from what sense it makes i wanna help they don't listen and the negativity begins the once so cheerful and happy person becomes a dark and depressed one. But a depression can be helped show love to that person , show you be there. Show interests in the stuff they love the most, go and do that. Also show what you love because then they have something to show they can be interested in too. As teen i fell in depression because of 2 friends, i did youtube and we had a meeting in the US all youtubers with the most viewer came together in a meeting we could talk and meet some fans. I know i was giving some autographs when my phone ringed, to be polite to my fans i decided not too answers 10-15 times it kept ringing i was from shit why now my fans can meet and then i get phone calls i don't answer anyway call me back later. 5 minutes later on the speakers outside, Miss Costanza is been asked to come with emergency speed to the desk. I was from wtf why do i need too go in a hurry too the desk, there they said we don't know how too tell Christina got shot they brought her too a hospital but she didn't made it. I was sad and so broken when not even 30 minutes later my phone again i answered they do we speak with Chrissy i you speak with why we have sad news Chrissy, Julius did a overdose he is in a coma. I signed pics of me with tears the fans asked me if something was wrong i didn't gave any answer. Back home i tried 3x a suicide but failed in it, went too a mental institute where i got a psychiatrist. I lost 2 very good friends and didn't saw why i even should live for then the Psychiatrist, called over my parents my other friends and said look your mom she loves you, those people there i think your friends they won't see you sad and cry, i said only thing i love is to see the dead entering for me. They knew i loved horse riding took me there, went too me too dancings because i loved too dance slowly i felt even i lost 2 friends i still had many others who were there for me. We all have a time we don't see the light anymore and all looks as dark as can be but don't give up. If you see you are going under ask help people would love to see a smile again and can make that dark period light up again | Health Chat Room Similar Conversations |
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