Christian Cure For People Who Bat For The Otherside (Page 3)

ASuzette: Gay Cure For People Who Believe in Christianity
8 years ago Report
ik_bn_lisa: ... Love conquers all ❤
8 years ago Report
wayne elliott
wayne elliott: LOL ASuzette. So true.
8 years ago Report
ASuzette: Homosexuality is not about sex. It is about love and deserves our respect for that reason.
8 years ago Report
Feral_Errol: Unless some dewd is trying to play hide the willy with me, I don't care cos, NEWSFLASH!! It's none of anyone's business what 2 people,do,in their own space. So bugger off god botherers with yout Deuteronomy, way out of context rubbish
7 years ago Report
wayne elliott
wayne elliott: Pity they don't have the same rage for the paedophiles in their own ranks.
7 years ago Report
JohnCmk1996: Sex needs to stop being treated as a moral issue. If there is consent between 2 adults or more if thats what you like. Who the hell gives a shit
7 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 6 months ago)
JohnCmk1996: God gives a shit lol really shouldn't he or she be worrying about the famine in Somalia or what about the plane crash in Colombia where all those Good Christian soccer players died.
And by the way where was God when priests and nuns where rapeing and beating CHILDREN
7 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 6 months ago)
JohnCmk1996: I have a very loving family thank you very much,why dont you try your psychoanalysis on someone else.... Btw. THERE IS NO GOD
7 years ago Report
Bonita29: God is not dead, why you blaim God for everything? Why dont you do about evilness un this world? Stop bitching about God and mover your lazy ass from the sofa and start to do this world a better place to live. Yes i know this was something about gay people but this kid started to attack God so...
7 years ago Report
JohnCmk1996: Ok first of I didn't bring God into this see above but I did challenge on the argument of if there is a God ( There isnt Btw) how much does he really care about humanity cause a lot of shitty stuff is going on.
7 years ago Report
fellen10036: Why is it that we always bring God in our own heatred selfish greed and power driven society
You're blaming god for famine be
Some factors of famine are causes including war,inflation, crop failure, population imbalance, or government policies
Stop talking foolishness because he fall the rain and the just and unjust he gave us life and choices
How you chose to live it's also your choice and your right but don't try spit in is face by accusing him for rubbish and nonsense
If I was walking down the street and someone needed assistance or been attack by a criminal and I could be of some assistance if is even call the police I don't give a damn if he or she is gay straight or lean I'm going to help
Not because I don't share your belief that doesn't mean I hate you
I'm a Christian and proud to be one
Hatred is a bad medicine for the heart
6 years ago Report
wayne elliott
wayne elliott: Fellen - sexuality is not a belief. Religion is a belief. It's used for all sorts of discrimination.
6 years ago Report
fellen10036: Wayne and who said it was
I was just stating that everyone have different belief and lifestyle
Everything is start with a believe that leads to desire in different aspect
If you say that you're straight and someone else comes alone telling you that you're are gay yes you're going to try and convince that person that you're not because that's your know what you know and convince yourself sums up to belief
Religion separats
I'm straight but that doesn't mean that if you're a gay and you fall and hurt yourself I'm not going to assist you
Always remember this we are our brothers keeper you never know what life will reach you in life and who will end up of to wipe your be nice to others
6 years ago Report
wayne elliott
wayne elliott: Fellen -= seriously? Where have you been hiding? Let me guess - in a church.
6 years ago Report
The giant midget
6 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: Jesus loves you, so I hear...even if you're bloody queer!
6 years ago Report
wayne elliott
wayne elliott: Jesus was an invention.
6 years ago Report
MayaWay: Christianity is the best way to cure gayness. Just get on your knees, take a swig of wine and accept the body of a man into your mouth. St.Stephen aka Stephen Colbert
6 years ago Report
wayne elliott
wayne elliott: MayaWay - LOL - thank you for that.
5 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: I have a bat to cure christianity?
5 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: I'm not gay....but my boyfriend is
5 years ago Report
Fog Swept Glade
Fog Swept Glade: There is a cure for homosexuality in ‘the holy bible‘. It‘s my belief that christians cause such “sodomy” for a lack of control. The truth is that meticulousness as for cushioned sadism is their preference. Christians are afraid to kill gays and are afraid to have any real, prolonged commitment to upholding jehovah‘s alleged policies. They don‘t hold enough Earth to hold any title and never will. Yes, gays are mentioned more than once. Whores are also. Maybe they‘ll by us some whores and go home. They do buy whores for their bars and arcades.
5 years ago Report