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Christian Cure For People Who Bat For The Otherside (Page 2)

the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: sexual attraction and/orientation may not be a concious decision in most cases; i do not refute the suggestion that some people are born different. i hardly seek to force gays to become straight. i am just suggesting that, if a gay wishes for a "normal" heterosexual/family life, help would be available in that RARE case.

i have no problems with being anyone homosexual, whether by birth or by choice, but i question the methods, credibility and motivations of the "gay acceptance" socio/POLITICAL movement and the current pc status quo opinion on homosexuality. i see homosexuality as being more of a fetish: acceptable in moderation, but harmful if it becomes an obsession or obstruction to happiness- in that aspect, it is just like any other sexual activity.

anal s%y is, objectively, more dangerous than other forms of intercourse in regards to health issues- but that is no reason to rid the world of homosexuality. i also support more permissive drug laws up to and including drug legalization; although, drugs bring their own unique heqalth issues when misused. honest and objective dialogue, of both the benefits and consequences is needed, if we are to allow people to make responsible decisions- the only alternative is prohibition, which goes against the very principles upon which the usa and canada were established.

sexual attraction may not always be a chioce, just like a propensity for drug abuse mey not be a chioce, but the engagement, and the frequency of this engagement is a chioce- as should be rehab/behaviour modification. a free country should make available all opinions, choices and resources to their citizens.

please do not be offended to my comparison of homosexuality to drug use. i do not see drug use, in moderation, to be a moral evil at all- only abuse in my mind is unacceptable. i believe moderate and responsible drug use is perfectly accetpable and should be legal, as should be homosexuality. these things, to me, ashould only be considered a "problem" if they become an obsession or a limiting factor in daily life.
13 years ago Report
_Nicotina_: As long as no one is hurt or injured, then what happens between consenting adults is non of my damn business. Love is love is love. No one can say that any one type of sexuality is morally correct. In nature, there are hetrosexual, homosexual and bisexual acts performed by animals. Some of those are for pleasure. Why would anyone even care what another does in their own bedroom is beyond me.
Live and let live. Love your fellow human beings. Stop hating. Simple.
13 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: if only it were that simple. black widows kill and eat their mates, does that make spousal hoimicide and cannibalism morally acceptable?
13 years ago Report
_Nicotina_: Obviously you missed the point the first time, deep.

As long as no one is hurt or injured, then what happens between consenting adults is non of my damn business. Love is love is love. No one can say that any one type of sexuality is morally correct. In nature, there are hetrosexual, homosexual and bisexual acts performed by animals. Some of those are for pleasure. Why would anyone even care what another does in their own bedroom is beyond me.
Live and let live. Love your fellow human beings. Stop hating. Simple.
13 years ago Report
Malobear: How someone lives and treats their own body is their business. I work in a teaching hospital and work in a 40 room O.R. the organ described is not meant to be used in that function and if you do,sooner or later that organ will require surgery. I have seen prisoners brought in and you can believe one thing,its not a pretty sight.
How and who you choose to love is your business. Personally brother to brother and sister to sister love is understandable but anything else,I would never consider.I dont hate anyone. Its your choice and I dont have to live your life,you do.
Gladbag, the only unconditional love you will know will come from your parents and even then as the old B.B. King sings" No one loves me but my mother and she could be jiving too".
13 years ago Report
the real slim DEEPy
the real slim DEEPy: tthen, why dont we tolerate drug users and alcoholics? who gets to pick and choose who wqe tolerate, and who we dont? why dont we tolerate the "christians with the cure"? who is making these decisions?
13 years ago Report
chronology: Malo raises one of the Health problems of being Gay, another is the staggering high rate of STD infection. In England 75% of all Syphilis infections are among Gay men. Again, is society really being 'tolerant' when Gays are given places in Towns where Police Offices will not raid and arrest them. There are many parks and waist ground sites and Movie Theatres and beaches where Gays go for casual s#^. Gays who attend these places say syx with 3 to 6 men while there is not unusual. Is it really in the best interests of Gays to 'tolerate' these places, given the STD infection rate?.
13 years ago Report
_Nicotina_: ... ignorance and arrogance run rampant one again.
As if homosexual people are the only ones having casual sw&. Can some one please back up their claims as to infection rates, etc with some medically significant studies, please?
13 years ago Report
chronology: Nicotina. British Medical Journal study 2000. '48% of all men infected with syphilis acquired the infection through Homosexual activity'. Remember, Gays are only less than 10% of the general population, half of all men in England infected with syphilis is a staggering statistic.
13 years ago Report
_Nicotina_: That's over 10 yrs old. Something recent ?

Edit: If the study said 48% of men that have syphlis contracted it during homosexual activity, it does not mean that 48% of all men have sypilis.
13 years ago Report
chronology: Nicotina. 48% of all syphilis infected men, not all men. The figures irrefutably show that Gay lifestyles are wreck-less. Syphilis infection rates always differ from city to city, and region to region. One shocking example of this was in the U.S. where a virtual syphilis epidemic broke out in a small town among under age girls. Dozens of girls became infected in a brief period of time. When American Health Officials pieced together the infection route they were shocked at just how many sx* partners these children were having and how many times they changed s*# partners. As one Health Professional said; 'we were really taken aback. The s@y life of these children was like the sw~ activities of Prostitutes not young children'. What was so heartbreaking about this story was that when the girls were interviewed by a reporter, they used Soft Toys to show how they had s#w.
13 years ago Report
_Nicotina_: It's like talking to your profile pic.
13 years ago Report
12 years ago Report
lucegoose: christians can`t even agree on which brand of christianity has it right , I`m fairly certain they could n`t "cure" a gay person ... god , such a dumbass idea
12 years ago Report
Hyenablood: all I have to say is : YAY FOR YAOI, yaoi is proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy!!
12 years ago Report
X3NO: What we do in the privacy of our bedrooms is absolutely no ones business but ours, as for the church saying it is morally wrong is laughable. No institution or individual has the right either morally or otherwise to dictate what is right or wrong concerning homosexuality. To assume that a religious institution can 'cure' homosexuality just proves how out of touch with society they are.
12 years ago Report
Nathaniel Nirvana
Nathaniel Nirvana: IMO, these "cures" can be a form of mental abuse. Those supposedly cured are often left with a lifetime of continuous fighting their feelings; or were actually bi in the 1st place; or worse are repressing emotions which is a really unhealthy thing to do
11 years ago Report
ik_bn_lisa: Hmmm...agree and disagree with a lot being said here
9 years ago Report
mistermills357: Hell will fix you, why should I bother? As to all this other bleating of goats--those who approve--Hell will fix you too. Have a nice trip.
Homosexuals have gotten it wrong, in a way that is self-evidently perverse. They are brother agents to those that practice bestiality. Those are some thoughts that I thought that I would share.
And, I don't care if this is a 5 year old post, some things need to be said, in response to dolts.
A Christian.
(Edited by mistermills357)
9 years ago Report
ik_bn_lisa: Mistermills - as a Christian I will say God tells us He is the only one who can judge, you cannot say homosexuals will go to hell, its not for you to say

Thank you
9 years ago Report
wayne elliott
wayne elliott: The religious go to hell. They have so much to answer for.
9 years ago Report
new_tauresa: As long as a man who has home sexual tendencies tells the straight woman he is marrying in order to have kids, that he has those feelings for men, all is well. BUT they should never deceive a straight woman into having kids with them and them come out with" I have always had home sexual feelings" that is wrong and deceitful
8 years ago Report
(Post deleted by new_tauresa 8 years ago)
(Post deleted by new_tauresa 8 years ago)
mistermills357: Read Genesis 19, that is where I get my viewpoint from, fire rained down from the sky. Sodom & Gommorah, were destroyed, obliterated.
None of this is hard, unless you feel compelled to judge God and the angels.
(Edited by mistermills357)
8 years ago Report