Depression (Page 5)

debglbt: Visit my room - Deb's Mental Health Support Room. My name is Deb and I have had a room on wire for 2 years. I am disabled from bipolar disorder and anxiety. My room has people helping people. No need to be alone anymore. Come visit! Love Deb
9 years ago Report
mmeredith122075: My mom died in August of this year. She fell sick and went into a coma. Took her 3 weeks in the hospital and 4 days at home to pass away. I was by her side the whole time. Holding her hand when she took her last breath. I have stuggled with it alot. It's what they call complicated grief. Depressed and withdrawn from my family. Sad all the time. Also I have insomnia and don't have an appetite. I'm not sure how I'll get through it, I'm a big strong guy too. But losing mom was tough. It brought back feelings of my brothers death, my grandparents, friends I've lost. I think I had a breakdown of some sort. Anyways I know how depression can take over. It has me. Now here are the holidays and believe me I've had my toe on the trigger since Thanksgiving. Anyways that's short and to the point. Just thought I'd share
8 years ago Report
lori100: many have found this tape and similar ones very helpful, try listening to it everyday ---
8 years ago Report
lori100: ^^^for OCD, depression, anxiety
8 years ago Report
bk2va32: Anyone not having luck with their meds please google parnate user ratings its an older med and works great
8 years ago Report
JustanAmericanidiot: I just wish i could be happy again
8 years ago Report
Fedor_Emel: Major depression with psychotic features is a death sentence in a way. You can make it back -- but it's very tough and you will have zero friends from this if you had the wrong ones to begin with.
8 years ago Report
shyartsy: Iv had anxiety and depression for years and it does take over your life and its really hard to control doctors just fill you full of meds but they only take the edge off and they aint the same for everyone you have to try different meds till you find one that helps. After taking anti d's for 10 years i just stopped and i felt better in away im taking some thing else now but they dont work everyday you will always have ups and downs.
8 years ago Report
robertbatchelor: Depression, Stress & Anxiety are issue with over thinking. I have Social Anxiety Disorder .
I do not take any MEDICATION as I do not want to be a ZOMBIE. I have had little control over the important directions in my life. Yet because I play act through life r rather than just go into melt down people see me as normal. Yet my life is nothing like their life is .

8 years ago Report
Fedor_Emel: I screwed with my dopamine receptors as a young person, and you pay the piper when doing so.... no sleep when you do that and to the pscyhe wards you go..
8 years ago Report
(Post deleted by nomfundo 8 years ago)
robertbatchelor: MINDFULNESS. Please what do you mean by that ?
8 years ago Report
(Post deleted by nomfundo 8 years ago)
8 years ago Report
shyartsy: Iv tried meditation and it does work if i can get in the right frame of mind to do it if that makes sense?? Robertbatchelor is right when he says it thinging to much because i do that alot and i always think the worst and although i know im doing this it still dont stop me from doing it.. my life has been taken over by anxiety it rules my life.. i drink because its the only thing that gives me a break.
8 years ago Report
robertbatchelor: The right medication would work wonders in you case.
8 years ago Report
(Post deleted by nomfundo 8 years ago)
robertbatchelor: Cat Much like you I am getting no where. I have Social Anxiety Disorder that has robbed me of a NORMAL LIFE.
I never wanted to be ME. I wanted to be LIKE my cousin I never wanted to be him just like him.
Going to mental health people I get nowhere. As they cannot walk a mile in my shoes & compare my life with THEIR LIFE and that just cannot happen. If only I could change or repair my BEING I would. There are times I go into MELT DOWN and my mind goes blank as if it were a PANIC ATTACK. Often I cannot process informarion or think fast. I am told I am feeding a HABIT. I wish I could meet a person who would WANDER through my life and see HOW ON EARTH did you get to be 80 years old.??
8 years ago Report
robertbatchelor: I am originally a KIWI but live in Australia some 33 years now.Mental health issue are not easy. telling people your private life is wasting their time and my time yet they are getting paid from schieving NOTHING. I need a carer that can drive a car lol.
8 years ago Report
robertbatchelor: Mental illness needs more honest people helping .
8 years ago Report
shyartsy: I know the feeling rob you aint alone .. i feel like im in a battle with my mind 24/7 im a pain in the ass to live with..
8 years ago Report
robertbatchelor: How did I ever get this far
8 years ago Report
Fedor_Emel: Mental illness sure is a broken system more so.. At here are people who care though..don't give up Robert...
8 years ago Report
robertbatchelor: There are people being paid and they are not offering a service. Yet there is no one to complain to. WHY ?
8 years ago Report
Fedor_Emel: I found a counselor through the county. Perhaps they offer that service near you.
8 years ago Report