Depression PTBO52: Anyone suffer from Chronic Depression? I would love to hear your story and what you do to control it from taking over your life? AND, NO PUT DOWNS OR POSTING NEGATIVE IDEAS OR TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT. GOT IT???? ✰Princess✰epicfail✰: I have bipolar. i battle it all the time. I don't take meds. i should but i don't. If u need a friend feel free to PM me Nosferatu: I've met people who suffered from depression, dysthemia, and they were on medication. I've read the best cure is exercise and it will help in the long run better than medication. VancouverSarah: I frequently suffer bouts of clinical depression. There seems to be a strong genetic link in my case. I am currently controlling it with prescription and natural remedies under the supervision of my doctor. I also eat a healthy diet, get at least 8 hours of sleep, and moderate my caffeine and alcohol intake. It's also important to keep active, and I find it helps to be organized. A huge trigger for my depression is my environment. If my house is messy or disorganized, I get frustrated and start feeling down. I started using the Fly Lady system to manage my home and it has helped tremendously. The philosophy and techniques also discourage the sort of thinking that can lead to depression to start with like negative self-talk and perfectionism. Check out the website here: wizardofid: Hi There are two cures for depression. One is Exercise. The other is using your breath to cure you. Google "Pranayama" - this is a yoga breathing exercise the bridges body and mind...Another breathing technique that cures depression and in fact even Schizophrenia and bipolar is "Sudarshan Kriya" = check it out as well. I am writing this coz I have benefited from regulative can help you get off meds over a period of time depending on the seriousness of you problem VancouverSarah: Yes, I should make it clear that my prescriptions are a temporary measure while I get things under control in a chemical sense. I also plan on using Yoga to help control my depression and anxiety. I have found the little Yoga I have done so far to be very beneficial. IceMist: i haven't been to a doctor about it but i tend to get depressed very easily. it has caused me to miss a lot of classes and end up just staying in my room/house for days. i've been trying to break out of it recently though. i saw that someone mentioned yoga, maybe i should join a class or something to help make me relax a bit more? wizardofid: I guess yoga is good as a relaxant and specially the "Pranayama" regulative breathing helps in many ways. There are a few videos on youtube to get initiated....The other issue is also your own personal situations which you need to change - the negative ones - to feel better. But if you practice pranayama regularly, you will benefit...there are about 6-8 types of regulative breathing exercises. Check out "pranayama" on youtube. If you join a class make sure it has a great teacher, with a proper certification - though pranayama is easy and non harmful. Massive I: I went to the dr. about it when I was 13. It took many years but I dont get it bad anymore. It still comes and goes, but not enough to keep me from getting up in the morning or going out and doing things. If you get it bad enough to restrain you from your personal life I suggest getting it checked out. It might sound cheezy but think of it like "today im strong, tomorro ill be stronger" Cheryl. I suffer from chronic depression, its a long battle of medication, therapy and human comfort/companionship. With the three of them, theres enough support to convince you to fight it. I see it as an illness, you can overcome it, just be weary of it in the future, it can always come back. hfsquarehead: I have crohns and when that gets bad then the depression sets in.I don't take meds for it they tend to do more harm then good (for me)so I force myself to get out and do things mostly take the dog for a run in the backyard (huge backyard).But when it hits me I don't answer the phone or talk to anyone and fight damn hard to get back to normal(?) until the next time. I take one day at a time. and today I feel great. PTBO52: My friend has had Crohns for 35 yrs. Its up and down for her too, and my daughter-in-law was just diagnosed recently. She didn't know she had it and ended up in the hospital for a week in terrific pain as it had caused infection in her intestines. Take care of yourself! LilGirl16: i was sick. i mean depression . now I'm ok i think. cause i was on medication that made me in a good mood. Abhi: I was in cronic mental depression for almost 15 yrs but believe me my friends am allmost out of that hell.Dont know wht n how much to write about it but one think for sure that i must thank God n my Guru who help me sustain that jolt n make me shine 24 karats. Morsy: Depression is a huge problem around the globe now and there are hundreds of different types. I am much happier going solo with just a few close friends that I trust completely the hard part is recognising when the dark veil invades your life and how to best deal with it, no two people are the same there are similarities but life style and circumstances unfortunately determine how things play out. Be kind to yourself is most important and not to beat yourself up because a lot of the feelings are guilt and your worth when you are down. We are all worthy and should try not to let others make us feel any different. Accept you have episodes and try and get through them the best that you can. No person who is suffering this way deliberately sets out to upset anyone mostly we are beating ourselves up, peoples responses are mostly negative to people suffering a mental disorder. Yes exercise is a very good way to alleviate your moods and relaxation techniques. Tracier: I have no idea what kind of depression I suffer(ed) from. I just felt completely miserable for about three and a half years. Never went to a doctor about it, even though I had suicide on my mind. I just considered those feelings normal. The last year have been so much better and I don´t feel sad every day anymore. Animal Lover: Shame this thread seems to have died off. I had to have my beloved 13-year-old Lab put down 3 weeks ago today and could feel myself getting Depressed again because of it. I have suffered many times before and always been put on SSRI's by my Doc. Didn't want to use them again cos they take 6-8 weeks to have any effect. Spotted St John's Wort on sale in LIDL the first Friday and have been taking it since. I'm sinking further and wonder if it's because I forgot to take a couple. I took it last night with my only meal of the day. I'm gonna try adding Seratone this evening because I am thinking about ending my life. I am lost without her. Abhi: Hey Ally,Sad to hear about ur lab.If its absence making u depressed n lost thn wht would ur absence cause to ur love ones....just think n plz dont think of suciede.....keep smiling!!! Animal Lover: Actually Abhi, I don't think any of my family care about me one way or the other. I never get as much as a phone call from any of them. That is why my dog was my constant companion - I can only get love from animals, unfortunately. Thanks for your reply. Maybe the thread will revive? Abhi: So what Aly,if Ur family dosent call u or pay heed towards ur emotions?Relationship can be build at any age any time n may b u will get a good companion or frnd to care for ur emotions,just wait n keep smiling till thn.ok? Morsy: You are not alone Aly and I fully understand what you are saying although I will private message you rather than discuss here. For general responses I can post here. Depression still has a huge stigma attached to the name and there are hundreds of different types of mental disturbances from mild to severe, short term and long term. Everyone is different and will have different needs unfortunately a lot of friends and family shy away from someone suffering like they might catch it or it will rub off on them...shrugs who knows. (Post deleted by sunny_24 ) calypso84: Yes,those features you mentioned are symptoms of depression. But there's more: - depressive mood (a person may feel sad or empty) - decreased interest or pleasure (diminished interest and pleasure in all,or almost all,daily activities) - psychomotor agitation or retardation (the person may be observed to be either agitated and restless or physically slowed down in movements) - fatigue (deep fatigue or loss of energy) - feelings of worthlessness or guilt - brain fog (diminished ability to think,concentrate or make decisions) - thoughts of death (thoughts of suicide,with or without any specific plan). angeldemon123: Ive been feeling depressed lately but i dont know what to do. My family doesnt take me seriously, and im afraid to seek help | Health Chat Room Similar Conversations |