schizophrenic Salticidae: paranoid schizophrenic that the topic First of all it a mental problem. Its usually when a person see and hear and can even touch something that not there. Or some people is when the are paranoid and think every one is out to get them. But I'm talking about the first one. Just imagine seeing the most scariest thing u could imagine and only u can see hear and touch. People saying to u it not there but it hard to believe that. Surprising it quit common. I know a few people with it and 2 of my aunt have it and so far it not skip a generation. So it between my sis and me. So far it the people in my family that don't have kids..... oh crap it going to be me. So any time from now to my late 30s to know.... A few days ago i my sis and me talk about it. Now we both think it me. My sis said to me you better not get around Christmas (because my aunt had that around Christmas and she ruin Christmas. It was scary because we had no clue what was wrong with her. She said she keep see demon and angel and hearing the devil and god..... )Anyway...I laugh and said to her ya at Christmas i will get it! i will say hey past a present to Satan please hahahaha and my sis said then i know what to give u 4 Christmas....PILLS. lol and i said ya any pills even the one u find on the streets lol we laugh it was funny. So I'm going be crazy. ![]() There a lot of mental problems that run through my family so my sis may not be paranoid schizo but she can be crazy. Great.... So what r ur thoughts, experiences or anything PTBO52: I believe there is a genetic factor in alot of the mental disorders even including alcoholism and addictions really. Some ppl are more predisposed to these ailments. But, as I always say I'm not a doctor these are just my personal points of view. It must be hard for you to go on with your life when always thinking in the back of your mind, you might inherit this disorder. I would seek out professional help now so your can talk about your fears to a trained person. Always waiting for the shoe to drop can't be healthy for you. Bo shank: my best mate is a schitzophrenic and i have had to have her sctioned twice it is hereditory Bo shank: she has just had her first child and is a fantastic mother and she wont let it drag her down Bo shank: yeah and i love the neck neck off the lass she is one of the bravest people i know and it makes me cry when i think how hard it has been for her seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee im cryin my neck off writin this Bo shank: she is like my sister and no harm will ever come to her when ever she feels down she comes to me blonde goddess: it doesnt mean you will get it just because your aunt has it. theres still much more to learn about why people get it. blonde goddess: it can be hereditarty but not always. there are links to males born in winter time and usually under weight. mostly makes develop it however there are females. autism is the same... mostly male suffers. women tend to develop it later on in life. they are still trying to find the rest of. ive got lots of info on it if you would like it? Serabi: Hi Arkle, Schizo is highly hereditary and is truly horrible for the person who has it. Paranoid S. is completely debilitating. It is scary that there are many people in the church who hear the 'God instructions'. Many homeless people suffer from it. arkle: The person i mentioned to co,has been sectioned now...She phoned me when she done a runner from the hospital.I phoned her back 15 mins later and a nurse answered her mobile,i could hear the traffic and her screaming in the background!Her family dont care or phone.....I KNOW shes hard work,we grew up together.So i CAN phone to check on her as no-one else does???? I sound selfish here,but i have enough to do here at the mo.And wherever she stays,turns into a war zone????????I think shes in the best place,as she IS capable of killing someone.She listens to me,but gets wound up by her family and situations............. PTBO52: Arkle: it can be so all comsuming looking after a person with this condition and you have to think about yourself. I can't see anyone faulting you for that. But, at least you care which inside comes from your heart. PTBO52: Colnel: Sorry, I didn't mean to be flippant about your sister. I read your previous postings. As in all diseases symptoms vary from person to person. I was just trying to give Arkle some support about her particular situation. Thank God your sis has you! Bo shank: its not a feckin desease its a mental illness you obviously dont have a clue what you are on about.....when you have a person hangin off your arm tellin you their dad has died and he is hauntin her then you can comment on this forum Bo shank: she dont need me she is not disabled or retarded she has a mental illness and if she was here now she would find what you have said as an insult like she is some kind of freak PTBO52: Colnel: I am very sorry to have upset you. Your right I'm not involved with your situation so I will keep my big mouth shut. But, I do understand mental illness more than you would think. repaired_goods: my dad had it, was hard to watch....he had it for about 3 years before he lost it and killed himself. my best friend had it (still does, but on meds) she lost it, ended up losing her daughter, because she just couldnt keep control, did some crazy stuff. co...your friend is lucky to have a friend like you, people who suffer mental illness need some one around who cares for them..... PT, big kisses for you, i know you understand mental illness hon | Health Chat Room Similar Conversations |