what do you think about the person above you? Splack!!!!!!!: omg some one needs to give that kitty's coat back loooool sorri cant comment for theres no specific pic to describe the person behind the screen name but who cares we can still be friends im not here to judge any ways we all need to get together and party..................... Splack was here Hugo K.: i think its weird how she says shes very hot on her profile. and yet, shes still a questionnnn markkk. lol :] Splack!!!!!!!: hes a good kid from a good family who does not belong in my ghetto azz neighborhood lool dont take it wrong dude......... otcclass: Billy: I don't know if it really stands for anything but it is what is on sunscreen to tell how strong it is..how much it protects against the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays that can cause skin cancer and premature aging. |
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