Master Burnt cookie life hack!!

Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: Yeah I am a master with food.. And I know you guys are burning cookies on a mass scale.. Cookie genocide right.. HAH.. I slavage those cookies like god salvages you.. Mash them up into power.. and throw them cookies in powder form.. into a new batch of cookie dough.. be original and make it different cookie dough.. or the same if you want.. Blap.. Cook the new cookies with the burnt cookie powder in there.. and its Burnt cookie powder (cookie name say choco chip cookies) so burnt choco chip powder infused choco chip cookies!! Burnt Cookies Ownt!!

Or if you take my suggestion to be original.. could be Burnt chocho chip poweder infused White chacolate chip cookies or whatever besides chocolate chip cookies that taste good with burnt chocolate chip cookie powered in it

so this turnes burned cookies back into an ingredient for.. pies and other things.. Genius!!
(Edited by Zereous Excentris)
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: tell me your thoughts!
8 years ago Report
Corwin: That's not genius at all. That's silly.

When a cookie is burnt, what is happening is that the carbohydrates (flours and starches and sugars ) are being broken down to pretty much just carbon and potassium.
Carbohydrates are food.... charcoal is not. You eat that stuff, it'll make you sick.

If you want to recycle that carbon and potassium and turn it back into carbohydrates again, I would suggest that you grind up the burnt cookies and use it to fertilize a garden... let plants and photosynthesis turn those elements back into something edible.

The more scientific explanation:
Mammals are required to consume organic matter to survive. When a cookie is burnt, it gets turned back into basic non-organic elements, or in other words "back to the bottom of the food chain".
Plants are very good at turning non-organic elements into complex organic carbohydrates. Plants turn basic elements into food, animals eat plants, other animals eat those animals. i.e. The Food Chain.

This is why Humans can't survive by drinking water, eating dirt and lying in the sun - we are not capable of photosynthesizing our own organic molecules from basic elements like plants can... we can't really just get rid of the middle-man and skip that important vegetation step in the food chain.
(Edited by Corwin)
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: yeah well mixing in slightly burnt cookie with new cookie dough still saves you a lot of money..
and that also May improve the cookie taste..
Don't knock it tell you try it!

Have you tried mixing 20% burnd cookie powder with cookie dough and ate it?
Yeah I doubt it..
and yet you sit there and still pretend you know best like a damn fool!
I am gitting sick of your idiot shit!
(Edited by Zereous Excentris)
8 years ago Report
Corwin: Have you thought about maybe trying not to burn the cookies in the first place?

If you're burning so many cookies that you actually save a lot of money by recycling burnt cookies, then maybe that's a sign that your cookie-baking method has a fundamental flaw, and perhaps you are not quite the "Master with food" that you fancy yourself to be.

Perhaps try setting a timer or something, instead of waiting for your smoke alarm to tell you that they're already burnt. Personally, I sit and watch them bake, and take them out of the oven when they look just right.
I know... this all must sound foolish and idiotic to you, but I guess I'm just one of those foolish idiots that prefers to eat food that hasn't been burnt.

Oh... just a heads up -- that blackened part of burnt food is carcinogenic. Elemental Carbon is highly reactive, and not really a healthy food additive.
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: Yeah well We all can Try jack ass to not burn them..
Sometimes it just happens man..
just throw your Somewhat burnt cookies in the trash and not recycle them you fucking ass hole
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: You just out to be an ass arnt ya.. cant handle anyone being smart but you huh..
but I guess that's your barbarian attitude.. I guess you are just jealous and envious!
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: Repent from your Ways idiot!
8 years ago Report
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: Yeah its funny now buddie tell you are before the blade of a god!
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: You need to stop going around and entropy peoples attitudes with idiot nay say shit!
You need to learn to contribute man!
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: I am gitting sick of you destroying peoples lives by destroying there possibly correct idea with what you THINK is right.. and also with little understanding of!
8 years ago Report
Captain Canada
Captain Canada: There must something in the water,definitely there must be something.
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: i ground up some slightly burned cookies an mixed it with new cookie dough and they were actually better thenthenor mal generic ones

there isso mething inthe waterr.. its called you think and you pretend to know and jesus you dont .. even try it?

But why even say shit to me.. dont grind up burnt cookies and put them into new cookie dough..

Just thoro 15 bux or 200 dollars of slightly burnt cookies away you

I guess it really shows off what kind of ass hole you are though
you just put people down and pitty people who get praised and hate the smart people because
You waist time messing with people AKA your family or other pears of your race
Instead of growning up and growing your mind..

MR T pittys you!
MR T pitys you because we are all here to work fort he common goal..
but your just a lazy know nothing Has been slack off

wait tell you burn cookies!
then you will feel allbuthurtm .. my 30$
Throw them away!
Dont Grind them and put them into new cookie dough!

So.. takey ou oppinion and shove it..
or show me why it sucks..
but I prodict why your a fat dumb ass
Because you will use CHARED instead of lightly messed up..
or messed up not enough to work..
Youll just be a child absurd lame ass about it
and leave them in the oven for days

8 years ago Report
Captain Canada
(Post deleted by Zereous Excentris 8 years ago)
Zereous Excentris
(Post deleted by Zereous Excentris 8 years ago)
Captain Canada
(Post deleted by Zereous Excentris 8 years ago)
Zereous Excentris
(Post deleted by Zereous Excentris 8 years ago)
Captain Canada
(Post deleted by Zereous Excentris 8 years ago)