Alpha Males and Alpha Females(Training Center) Super Heroes,Super Mind "Self" Help Center (Page 5)

WonderWoman1: Try to see the difference between mere mental improvement and the development of cosmic consciousness. Mental improvement is good and legitimate, as when learning a profession or sharpening your skill at chess. However, mental improvement cannot penetrate the psychic world to make you happier, freer, or intelligent in the cosmic sense. To store facts away in the memory is like feeding information to a mechanical computer. The computer can only repeat what it has been told and nothing more. But consciousness - awareness - is always something new. It is never the mechanical parroting of memorized information.
9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: I call our mind ...

The Magic Castle --"Here’s a secret method for replacing fog with sunshine. When you feel scared, don’t pretend you’re brave. Truth gives you permission to be just as scared as you really are. Just be aware of your anxiety without worrying over it. This self-help not only banishes fear but delivers great relief. It is like a tired actor who removes his uncomfortable costume after a hard night onstage. Since he no longer needs to impress the audience he can just relax and enjoy being himself." 
9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: The Secret of Self-Observation "You can be totally different. You can have an excitement that never swings over to depression. It is the true excitement of finding yourself. Nothing is more exciting than to watch a fear fade from your mind forever. Nothing is more delightful than to possess self-command in a world of chaos. There is no greater inspiration than to know that you have found the true path at last.

Psychic Sleep "Psychic sleep is the cause of every human problem and disaster. It is sleeping people who suffer from heartache and loneliness, from fear and violence. Only self- awakening can end these sorrows. However – and please emphasize this point in your mind – man does not know he is asleep. So deep is his immersion in psychic hypnosis, that he instantly denies his actual condition. In other words, he does not know that he does not know. He spends his entire life under the gigantic illusion of being happy and productive, never once facing the terror in which he lives. Man huddles fearfully in a haunted house which he calls a castle. Have you ever been in a room full of people when someone behaved foolishly or childishly? You sensed that he did not know how he appeared to others. In fact, he may have believed he was behaving cleverly or courageously. Everyone in the room saw him as he really was, except the man himself. That is a perfect example of human hypnosis, of psychic unawareness. The ancient philosopher, Socrates, provided a classic illustration of man’s mental sleep. He told about a group of men who were huddled together in a deep cave. Their only light was a fire that blazed in the center of the cavern. The fire cast strange shadows against the wall of the cave, frightening the prisoners. So the men sat there in terror and confusion. One of the prisoners made up his mind to explore the cave. When doing so, he found a secret tunnel. Following it all the way, he finally found himself in the outer world of sunshine and beauty.

"We will now look at a chief characteristic of spiritual sleep. When this is under- stood, all the pieces of life fall into place, revealing the whole picture. Man has a false idea of who he is. He has an illusory sense of identity. This false self is manufactured out of self-flattering imaginations and out of self-pleasing labels. He labels himself as a successful man, or as an intelligent thinker, or as a human being with lofty motives. But these are mere ideas he has about himself and he is not these ideas. We can easily prove this. Whenever a man feels depressed or irritated, it is simply because his false identity seems not to be confirmed. Both these reactions are false, so man is their slave. Have you ever noticed how nervous people get when their pet ideas are challenged? Let this be a clue for you. By patient self-investigation we discover who we are not, and that ends the anxiety of not knowing who we are. To summarize this vital point, man wrongly believes that he possesses a separate self, an individual ego. This false idea causes fear, loneliness, neurosis. It throws him into conflict with other people who are also under the illusion of having separate selves. No man is apart from the whole, from the all. Man is one with the universe. Human beings are like dozens of ponds, each reflecting the light from the same moon. This is not philosophy, this is fact."

9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: Conquer Anxiety and Frustration Take Charge of Life - "When meeting any situation in life, one of two things happens: 1. The situation takes charge of you 2. You take charge of the situation It is one or the other. There is no third choice. So it is important to examine both of them. When a situation takes charge of you, it is always accompanied by a feeling of anxiety. Listen to this discomfort, for it is trying to teach you something valuable. It may be trying to reveal that you are imagining yourself to be in command of the situation, when in fact you are commanded by it. Exposing imaginary self-power is highly helpful."

50 Ways to See Thru People  - "Have you ever been nice to someone in order to keep him in your life, only to see him suddenly turn against you? Being nice to someone, pleasing him, has no influence whatever in changing his nature from bad to good. It is useless and unnecessary to try to change others, for nature-change must include self-change. You will never again waste your days or be betrayed if you remember that you have no real need for a harmful or sour man or woman."

Your Power to Say NO Expose These Yes-Traps - "We learn to escape from self-defeating behavior in small ways at first. You can do this by thinking of present situations where you now say YES but wish you could stop. Recall several small situations. Perhaps you have agreed to meet regularly with a friend or relative but realize that it is really a burden. Maybe you agreed to take the leadership in a certain project but now you wish you had declined. You now know WHERE you must say NO. The next step is also clear. SAY NO. Make the necessary contact and resign. Just like that. Do it even if you feel nervous about it. Don’t listen to your timidity. Do what is right. Do you know what you are doing! You are getting your life back!"

9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: Realize that understanding is everything.

Some troubled people sought help from a wise man. He instructed, "Never do anything with a problem except to try to understand it. Don't try to win over anyone, don't angrily defend yourself, don't fear the situation. You CAN understand, so pour all your energies into this aim. An understood problem is NO problem. Understanding is the highest form of action you can perform. It makes you comfortable."

9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: The journey to Truth is like the journey of a train up a mountain. Time and time again, the train passes through tunnels and exits into sunlight. The tracks are on a slight incline at all times. What this means is that every time the train passes through a dark tunnel, it always exits on the other side on a slightly higher level.
9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: IN this teaching we are going straight to the source of self- reliance. We don't have to, and don't want to, go to other people. For they are relying on other people who are in turn relying on others for the answers. So to know, we have to know from the Source itself.
9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: Here guys in this Forum...I will help you as I can to be a winner to "Yourself"
9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: Let's

's not overlook the simple power of sincerity. It is a magnet that draws to you the insights you need for real change to occur. With a sincere wish to change you'll find that the right books and perhaps the right lectures begin to appear. However, it is your own ascending thoughts from your very own essence that are the most valuable of all. What YOU know from yourself is more meaningful than all the books and lectures in the world. The Spirit gives life to knowledge and you LIVE what you KNOW.
9 years ago Report

We start by realizing that our deeper self already knows and understands. Like a powerful underground spring seeking to burst above ground, so do life-principles seek to break through our hardened attitudes. As we permit the breakthrough, things that have puzzled us for years clear up. We see why everything happened to us the way it did.
9 years ago Report

There was once a man who spent his entire life living deep in a dark, shaded jungle. One day he finds his way to the edge of the jungle where there is open sky and clear light. But not knowing what the light is, never having experienced it before, he feels great reluctance and fear in taking that final step out of the jungle and into the light.

Though the light dawns gradually, there is a point where we step into the light with powerful finality. Fear of the light is not your fear and when you see this you step into the light.
9 years ago Report

1. Always remember that if the old nature doesn't have enemies it will create them. It must have something to fight.

2. What the false self fears above all is peace breaking out.

3. When you are spiritually whole, your thoughts are purified. The mind is on your side instead of being against you.
9 years ago Report

Remember the letters WUN. They stand for Wake Up Now. Place your secret letters someplace where you will see them often. Let it be a reminder to you to drop all racing thoughts and come back to yourself right now. You can and must practice this a thousand times. Let WUN be your secret code to remind yourself to cancel time and walk into the light..
9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: It is only through awareness of what is true from moment to moment that there is discovery of the timeless, the eternal. Without self-knowledge, the eternal cannot be. When we do not know ourselves, the eternal becomes a mere word, a symbol, a speculation, a dogma, a belief, an illusion to which the mind can escape. But if one begins to understand the "me" in all its various activities from day to day, then in that very understanding, without any effort, the nameless, the timeless comes into being.
9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: Mind Power

Whenever you meet a problem or a crisis, take it completely upon your own shoulders. Do not try to share it with others, which cannot succeed anyway. If you dilute the intensity of the problem by spreading it around, you also dilute your power for understanding and removing
9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: Picture a stream full of trash. If you stop throwing trash in the stream, eventually the trash is cleared away by the flow of nature itself.
9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: SuperWisdom

1. Spiritual growth is the ascendance into higher and higher feelings, spiritual feelings.

2. This new feeling keeps you in place. You don't have to keep it in place. It keeps you going, you don't have to keep it going.

3. The more honest you are about yourself the better you feel. Honesty feels good.

4. The feeling of quietness and stillness is the only liberty, the only feeling you need.
9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: The false self must grip a muscle to "exist." This is why learning to detect and release unnecessary tension is so constructive. By keeping your mind where your body is and practicing present moment awareness in the midst of daily life, minimum energy is expended to conduct everyday tasks and energy once restricted flows freely again.

You may just be walking to the mailbox. You are asleep, lost in thoughts about yourself and what's going to happen to you. Suddenly, you come awake. A marvelous exorcism occurs as Light replaces darkness. Which state feels better? Where do you really want to be?

The sudden flow of these higher feelings can never be sought directly. It comes indirectly, unexpectedly, as you increasingly know where you are both inwardly and outwardly.


Take another example - a roomful of guests in full dress, being received with great ceremony. You could almost believe that this is a noble and distinguished company; but, as a matter of fact, it is compulsion, pain and boredom who are the real guests. For where many are invited, it is a rabble - even if they all wear stars. Really good society is everywhere of necessity very small. In brilliant festivals and noisy entertainments, there is always, at bottom a sense of emptiness prevalent. A false tone is there.
9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: ..Example story
A man came to a famous lecturer and asked to be taught the art of eloquent public speaking. Accepted, his first three lessons consisted of nothing but sitting silently and restfully in a chair. When the student objected to the unusual procedure, his teacher explained, "A babbling mind must produce a babbling speech. I am teaching you the eloquence of a quiet mind.."
9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: It has been said that to remember oneself one must have a sense of something superior to oneself. Self-Remembering is a lifting up of oneself to another set of influences. The idea of new influences and of coming in contact with them is the center of the Work.
9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: CHALLENGE:

1. So long as men praise you, you can only be sure that you are not yet on your own true path but on someone else's.

2. When you see that you cannot think your way out, you will have made a very big breakthrough. God, Reality, Truth is without thought.


The false self fears silence. Above all it wants you to claim this fear as your own possession. It seeks to trick you into believing that YOU are afraid of silence, when in fact it is the FALSE SELF that fears silence.

Quiet time is most important. If the mind is unruly simply turn to an awareness of your breathing. Never fear a noisy mind. With practice, the beautiful ring of silence will be the most precious sound on earth. Even one minute is very beneficial, for it's not the quantity of quiet time that matters but its quality.
9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: KNOWLEDGE:

Meditation is one of the greatest arts in life - perhaps THE greatest, and one cannot possibly learn it from anybody. That is the beauty of it. It has no technique and therefore no authority. When you learn about yourself, watch yourself, watch the way you walk, how you eat, what you say, the gossip, the hate, the jealousy - if you are aware of all that in yourself, without any choice, that is part of meditation. So meditation can take place when you are sitting in a bus or walking in the woods full of light and shadows, or listening to the singing of birds or looking at the face of your wife or child.
9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: A mature mind may meet many unexpected events but is not caught unaware by them. Not having a mind frozen with ego- demands of what should happen, he never fights the unexpected and is therefore able to handle it with calm intelligence. His inner resources are far superior to external events. He is like a man who owns a secret farm and who is therefore unconcerned when the grocery market runs out of food.


You can live your life like a river. A river just flows. It doesn't worry about what will happen to it tomorrow. It just flows. That is how your life can be. VH added, "What a simple illustration this is, and how accurate."


William Shakespeare's statement, "To be or not to be," is composed of six words, five of which contain only two letters. This economy of language represents the idea that awakening is an essential process. The highest dimension of being occurs when one's self remembers TO BE.
9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: CHALLENGE:

Learning is an extraordinary thing - to learn, not to accumulate knowledge. Accumulating knowledge is quite a different thing. What we call knowledge is comparatively easy; because that is a movement from the known to the known. But to learn is a movement from the known to the unknown - you learn only like that, do you not?....Learning is never accumulative. You cannot store up learning and then from that storehouse act. You learn as you are going along. Therefore, there is never a moment of retrogression or deterioration or decline.

EXERCISE: More Please of Whatever I Need.

Spiritual intelligence advances by plateaus. Over and over again we must leave behind what we think we know and be a beginner on the next level. Two years, ten years, twenty years into the spiritual journey, will you be willing to let everything you think you know be replaced in favor of a completely new generation of ideas? Will be you willing to set aside any self-pictures of being an "advanced student" and be a beginner all over again? That is what the next plateau always requires. We cling to what we know in fear of the unknown. Eventually we learn (it took awhile) that the Unknown is our friend and teacher.

"More please of whatever I need" is a self-talk statement that helps us frequently request what is truly good for us -- not what keeps intact the settled self that "thinks it knows so many things." Spiritual intelligence is oneness with Life. It has no container and what is truly best for us are the challenging experiences that shatter the container.

Christ summed it up perfectly, "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." (Mat 10:34) And, "I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him." (Ezekiel 21:27)


As you acquire more and more spiritual light, a wonderful thing will happen by a definite spiritual law. What will happen is that people who are in love with darkness will move away from you. They will want absolutely nothing to do with you. The torment of being unable to pull you back into the mud will be too great for them.
9 years ago Report
WonderWoman1: Power of Your Supermind"

Here is how to be relaxed and effortless in your relations with people: Never contrive to make a relationship either a close or a distant one. Do not permit your desires or ambitions to interfere with the natural flow of events. Let the relationship fall into its own place, spontaneously, for that is enjoyment. It is not your duty to determine the closeness of a relationship. Your only duty is to be a real person in it.

PICTURE: Sailing Home

Picture yourself sailing away from an old, dry and dusty village. When you're 20 miles out, you can still hear the calls from the inhabitants. They want you back. When you're 50 miles out something different begins to happen. Truth begins to notice you. And what Truth notices is that YOU DID NOT TURN BACK. You then begin to have a marvelous experience that happens for the next 50,000 miles. All the confusion and inner turmoil is still going on. But there's something else. There's a disappearing of tension and frustration and the entrance of a wonderful new feeling of inspiration and higherness. As you continue sailing you become purer and purer. But you take no credit at all for this for you know the purity is coming from a very high place.

INSPIRATION: Circle of Light

There is a circle of light deep inside you just waiting for you to put it first above everything else. Then it will grow and more and more you will take orders from this heavenly Source of Life within. You will see negativity the moment it starts to come your way and you will reject it, giving it absolutely no chance to enter your mind to cause pain and suffering. (SuperWisdom Notebooks)

CHALLENGE: The Way of the Sincere Man

A lazy man gets nowhere because he snuggles down in what he calls his "faith" or "philosophy of life." The sincere man accepts nothing which he cannot feel is right for him; he verifies everything through individual thinking. -- Vernon Howard

EXERCISE: I am Here.

Spinning thinking is persistent in its efforts to smother the present. "I am Here" ends the spin and instantly reconnects you with all that is real. There is no limit to how often you can apply this self-talk statement with instant benefit. 
Present moment living is the core principle for spiritual growth. It is the mustard seed that Christ referred to that is very small in the beginning but gradually develops to massive strength and vitality. The higher you climb the more thoroughly you know from moment to moment where you are and what you are doing. Fifty times a day is not too often to know that "I am Here."

KNOWLEDGE: The Path to Understanding

In the second half of the meeting VH explained that first, truth is in the memory. You hear a truth and it is stored in the memory. You're able to recall the truth but the truth, as of yet, does not have much power. But as you continue working, the truth that is in the memory is combined with feeling. Feeling joins the truth. Now you have Understanding

9 years ago Report