Electric Motorcycles

chronology: Zero Electric Motorcycles of Scotsdale California look like making Electric Motorcycles a permanent feature in Motor Cycling sales.

At the moment all Electric Bikes are a little more costly than Gas powered Bikes, but prices are expected to fall as Sales become more established.

Electric Bikes have around 400 miles range on one charge and batteries last around 200.000 miles in their lifetime. Speeds are similar to same size Gas driven Bikes. The big advantage to Electric Bikes is their reliability. Unless you are unlucky they virtually never break down and need little servicing.
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: There got dirt bikes That go really good , and as the batteries get better , they will prolly have road bikes Too
6 years ago Report
chronology: The road bikes are here brian. Zero in the U.S. has been manufacturing them for a few years now.
6 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale:
Why Electric Motorcycles are Failing
2 years ago Report