What do you do for a living?

rodgump1979: I am a machine operator at a bacon bit plant and am building 2 home based businesses. My goal is to not be working for someone else in the next year. I run a wholesale business from home, and I am also involved in network marketing program called (Life). Tell me a little about what you do and how it's working.
11 years ago Report
Serabi: I teach Elocution and voice control. I work from home, my own boss.
11 years ago Report
rodgump1979: I taught voice inflection for awhile it's a very important part of talking to people and how they take you.
How do you make your money teaching voice control?
11 years ago Report
Serabi: I record everything and give the clients their DVD's back to practice. Voice control depends a lot on where you breathe in a sentence. At first it is voluntary, then it becomes natural the more you use it in everyday speaking. Breathing exercises help too.

My clients are mainly up-market executives. The fear of talking before a crowd when you present a lecture can be frightening and people have lost jobs because of that phobia.

Using your facial expressions is imperative. I've just had a client from the Ukraine - a UN representative. It took forever.... they don't smile in the Ukraine!!

I have courses spanning weeks 16 - 24.
(Edited by Serabi)
11 years ago Report
rodgump1979: Very nice. Are you in need of employees? I have 13 years of experience in sales alone. I have wrote scripts, built programs, and trained people how to talk on the phone to present a product, in lamest terms "Telemarketer". Voice is everything over the phone, because people can't see you. I also worked in a super maximum security prison for 2 years, where they can see you and believe me it makes a world of difference how you talk to them. If you would like to get together via webcam or skype to talk about what you do let me know, I am definetly interested in what you are doing.

Have a great day!!!!
11 years ago Report
Serabi: Good heavens, I live in South Africa. Skype won't cut it!
11 years ago Report
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(Post deleted by staff 11 years ago)
rodfem22: I am part of a INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MUTUAL AID SYSTEM, called GOLDLINE INTERNATIONAL. if you want to know about it let me know and ill give you information rodfem22@gmail.com

11 years ago Report
rodgump1979: just got a webcam/chatroom for my site thats where i am going to start meeting people and talking. www.nicholson.webs.com if you wanna check it out.
(Edited by rodgump1979)
11 years ago Report
Mwarusha: I do cakes!!!! I am based in Arusha Tanzania East Of AFRICA. Herewith is a link on face book of my cakes: www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Doreens-Cakes/219840501410202
11 years ago Report
sammybabe10: Hi how is your business going what do you do i do this is I teach people how to profit from digital currency do you want to earn big money in a short time if interested message me

I also do property investment that gives 7 per cent guaranteed return in a growing 5 star destination with guaranteed 5 per cent yield
8 years ago Report
SEKIYA Japan: I want sales distributors of Japanese food restaurant franchise business. Please help me.
4 years ago Report
markodestudent: regular job and iamnearby at blogspot
2 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: I am just a lazy old guy in the construction industry that just walks around with a white hard hat in my hands giving orders to everyone on the job site.
As a hobby,I enjoy killing mosquitos and I also enjoy farting in elevators full of people
2 years ago Report