what business would you like? pstyletto: Cudos to you jink88 ! I too, would probably do the same. Only mine would be a large horse farm for retired horses or throw aways that are just left to die or be sold at auction for meat. jink88: Horses are awesome. My sister and I use to ride when we were younger but haven't been on a horse for ages. I live in a rural area and lots of horses here. There is even a team of Belgians that are hired out for hauling trees instead of using pollution vehicles. It is great to watch them work. They love it. (Post deleted by billsrythmsection ) pstyletto: @billysrythmsection... thats what Im doing now, buying foreclosed homes (that arent too bad) doing some repairs and renting them out. Kind of a tough market to sell in, but those that have been foreclosed on are certainly looking for a place to rent ! vicky_OU: open a dining room, to be a chief cook. i hope one day many people may try the food i cooked with happy mood. sairaenterpriseinc: I have limousine/transportation business worldwide here in new york and will expand it to have greater services for people traveling to new york rodgump1979: A homeless shelter that provides basic education to provide them with jobs and work ethic. rodgump1979: It will I am operating 2 businesses from home now and they are progressing so I guess thats a good thing fadinglight: I would want to start a photography studio. I love taking pictures without charging an arm and a leg jaredkp18: A Cafe with a hotspot With a restaurant for nights and in a back room a photography shop that my wife could run. (Post deleted by rodgump1979 ) ohnonotthatguy: Love all the ideas place on here. Best one is the storage business,just awesome. Me being an ass without morals to make money,i would open a brothel within the busy business area,build it elegant for high-end clients,both male and female workers. Maybe supply some drugs for client and workers all cash so no taxes for the government pstyletto: PHOTOGRAPHY... somewhat of a tough career now days. Digital cameras make it much easier for folks to "think" they are a professional photographer. I know its hurt my business, a little, but then I do not do studio portraits. Not so much the indoor events, but definately events, when the sun is out. But.. it doesnt take much to stage a small backdrop and snap shots with todays equipment. fadinglight: I love doing pics outside. I am not a professional but have been told I have an eye for taking pics...I love to make people happy and relaxed. pstyletto: @fadinglight I used to get with other photographers online and we pick a subject, have 1 week to find/shoot and edit it subject then post online and compare notes. That was really fun and we all got a chance to learn, critique and just have fun with photos. Some of our subjects were -- old gas pumps, waterfalls, streams, butterflies, railroad tracks etc. Then, gas prices got crazy and made that a bit harder. lol' rodgump1979: I just posted how I made my most recent sale in my business. I am a wholesale and I actually buy the products and resell them so I am not selling you my products I am just showing you how I did it. http://nicholson.webs.com/myopinion.htm Mwarusha: I am 45 years of age, I have been doing cakes from from for the past 26 years. My dream is to own my very over cake bake shop in Arusha Tanzania someday in this life time. Here is may work: www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Doreens-Cakes/219840501410202 Farrah_: I hope in future you get your dream bakery. since my country is one of large producer in palm-oil and rubber.. I would like to invest on those industry and plant these on land I bought. | Business Chat Room Similar Conversations |
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