Favorite fantasy book? (Page 13)

Vanellion: Moses wrote the bible 1300 years BC so how could he have known how Jesus would live what Jesus would be and if Jesus won't marry it isn't we can tell oh over 1300 years
A will be born she or he stays unmarried, A will be a Architect etc .... we aren't able to that and even prophecies can't know what will happen more then 1000 year later. It is like i say like you will believe Harry Potter is based on a true story, i didn't saw someone who could directly heal, rise out it's death and if we pray to god indeed get help. I went as kid each sunday to church, prayed with Grandma and what is my thanks of god my aunt was taken when she was 26 from cancer, grandma cancer, my niece is born heavy mentally handicapped and aunt nor my grandma ever smoked so that shows stay loyal to god and he will be graceful. If he exist he may kiss my ass, he took all that was important too me and why had my niece to be born handicapped she never harmed anyone so yeah god is the best in the bible he used a flood to drown all people, he murdered 1000's of people as a test to see if they stay loyal and priest all abused kids so also spreader of the all so good god while the bible says no more then murder, harm, incest sex and racism. Jesus was a jew murdered by Romans who weren't Jewish, the 3 wiseman, 1 guy was black the other white. In whole the bible all prophets were white no black guy, only that wiseman so it is all except a book of goodness even the Book of Light which is satanic is more holy then the bible because it don't speak about sex between kids, murder or racism. In the Satanic bible is said love what shall be loved, don't love what comes fort out of love, what does that mean love but don't love kids while the bible had the grandchildren of Noach which had to repopulate earth incest and childporn because both a kid brother and sister who had to populate the earth so do we really believe righteous in a god or do we lie to ourself god is good and the devil evil while it is otherwise Lucifer = satan also named the Light why shall you call evil Light if it is a symbol of darkness god= translated meaning plague so a good guy should been named plague while a evil guy the light
5 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 4 years ago)
Vanellion: Finally, someone who knows it, if I said Jesus married Mary which is an ex-prostitute they got mad she was forgiven for that sin and a disciple. Jesus died she was at the side of Jesus mother Mary and when Jesus rose out of his death she married him
5 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 4 years ago)
_Safira_: Yeah so enough about that book..
I read all the below authors from age 13 to 20 something but I still love them.
David Eddings - The Belgariad
Raymond E. Feist & Janny Wurts - Empire Trilogy
Katherine Kerr - Deverry Cycle
I won't mention Tolkien, Lewis or Jordan as I've read them and they're all well known and loved.
5 years ago Report
shortallman: Great books
5 years ago Report
Alucard1904: The Absolute Sandman
2 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 1 year ago)
Innuendo75: Thanks, watching Wheel of TIme and enjoying
2 years ago Report
Yotaguyca: The Dark Elf Trilogy, or pretty much any Drizzt Do' Urden book lol Also any of the Ravenloft books
2 years ago Report
SaturD: the divine comedy is overwhelming
1 year ago Report
frogprincess1000: i am currently reading the sword of summer
11 months ago Report
wasssGewd: Darren shan - the demonata series & and Darran Shan - Cirque du Freak the whole collection aswell.
9 months ago Report