Vernal Chat

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24 years ago as of Nov 13 -2020 i had first Cancer surgery - 17 years ago 2nd on - 15 years ago lost right kidney - 4th 3 years ago broke left arm now have metal plate 9 screws just say i had more...
Vernal • Female • 115 years old
Vernal • Female • 53 years old
Vernal • Female • 35 years old
Vernal • Male • 64 years old
Vernal • Female • 44 years old
Vernal • Female • 32 years old
Vernal • Female • 33 years old
I'm 5'3. Brown hair, blue grey eyes. That's about it. I love to read. I'm sometimes cool but really lame mostly
Vernal • Female • 25 years old
Vernal • Female • 40 years old
In a great relationship with a great man.. have great kids.. dont want anymore :P Love to talk to people.. anyone from anywhere..I can pretty much fit into any conversation. But please dont ask me...
Vernal • Female • 37 years old
im looking for that great girl who can make me smile
Vernal • Female • 32 years old
Vernal • Female • 33 years old
Vernal • Female • 41 years old
Love the outdoors but also love reading a non-fiction book inside my condo.
Vernal • Male • 34 years old
Vernal • Female • 23 years old
Vernal • Female • 34 years old
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