Fairborn Chat

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How long do you drink the poison before it kills you?
Fairborn • Female • 21 years old
amab nonbinary, pronouns zey/zem
Fairborn • Male • 51 years old
I don’t have the energy for this anymore.
Fairborn • Female • 19 years old
Fairborn • Female • 33 years old
Hello I am Carrie. I'm 29. Im autistic. I'm homeless and traveling.
Fairborn • Female • 31 years old
Fairborn • Female • 48 years old
Fairborn • Female • 29 years old
Fairborn • Female • 59 years old
Fairborn • Female • 39 years old
Fairborn • Female • 31 years old
Fairborn • Female • 35 years old
Fairborn • Male • 58 years old
Fairborn • Female • 45 years old
Fairborn • Female • 35 years old
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