Adirondack Chat

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Finding your way in life doesn't mean your lost, it just means your stepping cautiously so you don't step on the hidden land mines life thought cruel and humorous to hide just beneath the steps you...
Adirondack • Male • 60 years old
If you choose to walk on the paths of others then your following them, if you choose to create your own path then your leading yourself. kghick aka lyrical187
Adirondack • Male • 59 years old
Dreaming about something doesnt make it reality doing something about a dream makes it a possibility.You never have to move mountains if you have the strength to climb them, you never have to move...
Adirondack • Male • 60 years old
Life was never promised with easiness, so the roads you make depends on how to create them.
Adirondack • Male • 60 years old
Adirondack • Female • 26 years old
If someone mental is quick enough to judge a book by a cover before reading the pages, just shows that persons not the worth effort or trouble getting to know, because they are narrow minded and...
Adirondack • Male • 60 years old
Adirondack • Male • 52 years old
Adirondack • Female • 35 years old