Kansas Chat

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I'm here to pass the time, have some laughs, and maybe meet some decent people along the way. If your intentions are less than honorable, don't even waste your time adding me as a friend. Thanks for...
Ft Hays State • Female • 39 years old
lani is a sweet, obedient, friendly subgirl. lani is not interested in old men, men from other countries, or men who can't speak english. lani adores older White Women. :) please stop...
Wichita • Female • 36 years old
Wichita • Female • 27 years old
Wichita • Female • 72 years old
Just looking for conversation and someone to confide in
Kansas City • Female • 43 years old
Wichita • Female • 36 years old
Really? Guys? If you send me an add request without even saying hello to me, I will block you. If English is not your native language, sorry. I will have little patience trying to figure out...
Wichita • Female • 55 years old
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