Southington Chat

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3 and a half years in USAF, 2 years in the Army National Guard, Police officer for 6 years, Bachelor of science in education with history as a major from Central Connecticut State University,...
Southington • Male • 64 years old
Southington • Male • 51 years old
Southington • Undefined • 56 years old
I'm the nicest person you will ever meet. Unless, you piss me off. And lets just get it out there I'm a exotic dancer(stripper) and i love it. So you if you want have to except that.
Southington • Female • 32 years old
Southington • Male • 46 years old
Southington • Male • 77 years old
Southington • Female • 47 years old
teacher, singer, songwriter, guitarist, rockhound, reader, cartoonist, oil painter, picker, italian, blue eyes, beatles, trekkie, We have not answered all our questions, or solved all our...
Southington • Male • 60 years old
Hey You Hi, ok about me > Southington Connecticut .electrician, would be real nice to meet some new Cool Friends ! seems like >no one to hang and party ~chat~ with. I don't drink . use to get way,...
Southington • Male • 24 years old
Southington • Male • 70 years old
6ft 190 brn/brn
Southington • Male • 49 years old
Southington • Male • 33 years old
Down to earth, easy going, 50 something.
Southington • Male • 67 years old
Southington • Female • 51 years old
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