Michoacan De Ocampo Chat

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I like to meet new people every day
Morelia • Male • 25 years old
Morelia • Male • 29 years old
My name is Daniela..I'm mexican and I would like to travel, so... ;)
Adolfo Ruíz Cortínes • Female • 32 years old
Jacona De Plancarte • Male • 48 years old
I like to go out so much!
Morelia • Male • 31 years old
Ciudad Hidalgo • Female • 50 years old
I like to play video games... Fave... Smash Bros. Don't have much time to play now, or money to get more games or systems... sucks being left behind in video games.
Morelia • Female • 33 years old
god does not exist and the earth is not flat, spoiler
Gildardo Magaña • Female • 33 years old
i love you
Ciudad Hidalgo • Female • 34 years old
I Just Like to be myself.. if people don't like it... so ¨Fuc*them
Morelia • Female • 33 years old
Morelia • Female • 40 years old
I like to meet people from all places and have great chats changing cultures.
Cotija • Male • 42 years old
live and let live..... i don't wan't sexy time! only meet people and cultures
Ciudad Hidalgo • Female • 29 years old
>I'm Mando >I'm 22 Years Old >08/08/08 was the scariest day of my life!! >I most likely will not meet you >Swearing is absolutely gross!! >Drugs are even grosser!! >My Favorite numbers are 8...
Morelia • Male • 35 years old
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