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i dont dig into stupid online relationship... if u wana get laid, try doin it with a dog...
Shah Alam • Female • 33 years old
Shah Alam • Female • 124 years old
Tasha Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia going 19 this yr YOU ADD , YOU TALK FULLSTOP (:
Shah Alam • Female • 32 years old
" Heloo all.its nice to know each other.but dun get me wrong i do looked lyke HELL but im an ordinary person lyke u guys but a bit okay,coz im an open minded person,so i dont...
Shah Alam • Female • 32 years old
just wanna make new friend....
Shah Alam • Male • 34 years old
We may not be tough enough to live on truth alone,but you know? we dont need to be! ;) Love Story From Taylor Swift :- The Climb From Miley Cyrus :-...
Shah Alam • Male • 37 years old
Shah Alam • Undefined • 31 years old
Shah Alam • Female • 33 years old
just be myself......
Shah Alam • Male • 32 years old
lets dance.... grab ur girlfriends.. grab ur boyfriends..
Shah Alam • Female • 41 years old
Shah Alam • Female • 32 years old
Simple person, nothing special in me very common person.
Shah Alam • Male • 36 years old
Shah Alam • Male • 38 years old