10 most practical martial art... (Page 7)

Kingmastermine: and major techniqe the guy talking in the video was a instructor now what u gonna say?
12 years ago Report
12 years ago Report
JeanYves72: I wasn't listening just watching. It was shocking. No flow. Just 2 guys tring to outmuscle each other. No pinches, hair pulling, grinding of knuckles or knees into soft areas. And the 'sparring'...Like what I would do at school with mates mucking around. Use you angles and distancing man. Stop going backwards all the time.
12 years ago Report
Kingmastermine: stop with the petty insults its a retreat defence cuz im a outside fighter ur a inside u wanna get close i distance myself choose my attack my retreat defence allows me to block 98 percent of the time u do not know anything but being rude and fyi i talked to a instructor of akidio all passive they do not provoke so stop lying mate get over urself u know that u cant do anything but insult post videos of u lets see what u got or can u not cuz u know nothing
12 years ago Report
JeanYves72: I can not as I have nothing to prove. There are people out there, many of them, who call themselves instructors yet don't really have the real qualifications or skills to make such a statement valid. Everything I see in the video is nothing like any real form of combat. I am actually being polite though. I am commenting on the actions in the video. Post such things and expect someone with a modicum of experience and knowledge of martial arts to comment on it. You posting the videos to get your ego fed? Have people who live in a fantasy world pat you on the back? Once you put such things in the public domin expect some opinions that differ from your fantasy world.
12 years ago Report
Kingmastermine: i dont care about if i get ego they are to look back on and see where i can improve and u didnt even know what grappling was u tried to say where are the punches u need to give up u dont know anything u just wanna be rude and this guy was a 4th degree black belt in tea kwon do or how ever u spell it
12 years ago Report
JeanYves72: Tae Kwon Do. Well I suggested where you could improve from. I thought that you didn't need formal training? That you were a 'natural'. And now you suddenly have instructors popping out of the woodword. Interesting use of words...I don't care about getting ego.
12 years ago Report
Kingmastermine: a true martial artist will say what they liked about it not insult ppl saying it was nothing or saying no form or no flow cuz flow is being repetitive moving at the same speed that is predictiable me im very un predictable and fyi your hair pulling comment was rude as hell and u just dont get i have no ego i have nothing to prove those videos are for me to look back on and see lil improvments i can make i psoted them on youtube cuz other of our friends wanted to see so we let them
12 years ago Report
JeanYves72: Actually flow has nothing to do with speed. It's to do with the rhythm of the fight. There is a natural flow of energy which looks almost as if it's been choreographed. That's when it becomes a martial art rather than a way to fight or show ego. Hair pulling is simple combat strategy. I would also bite, scratch and spit in a real confrontation.
12 years ago Report
memberX: aarondelo "The Martial Troll Art Mannequin Model."
12 years ago Report
Kingmastermine: i didnt say it had to do anything with speed now did i no i didnt see ur doing that petty school girl bs a real martial artist wont be pulling hair nor biting nor scratching they would use the hands and feet knees and elbos head and toes, and i conserve energy i let them tire out then i do what i have to you are not doing much and fyi i dont need formal training he came over to watch what i knew gave pointers you just insult and i dont need to pull hair and scratch maybe u do but i dont
12 years ago Report
memberX: ...when is the fight?
12 years ago Report
JeanYves72: You just keep believing that you are backing up to tire them out. As long as you believe it. In a fight, a real fight, you use whatever tools are there.So if you were there I would use you. Only a fool thinks that pulling hair, biting and scratching is only for girls. Not like in the movies you know. One of my former instructors in the Bujinkan, now a 10th Dan, taught us that in a fight anything goes if it get us away safely. If he came to give you pointers then he is teaching you. Simple. Which means some form of formal training. EVERYONE needs formal training. It is what gives us our form foundation and we can utilise the experience and knowledge of those who have tread the path before us.
12 years ago Report
memberX: please don't break each other screens.
12 years ago Report
Kingmastermine: u just want to dis on my form and fyi some ppl are naturals
12 years ago Report
JeanYves72: And they still have formal training to hone on their skills, learn new ones and to understand the mechanics and intricacies of what they are doing. I don't have to diss on your form as you put it you do it for me with your attitude and videos you post.
12 years ago Report
Kingmastermine: no i dont have any attitude u said that since there was no other person i was useless we had one of his old instructors stop buy we asked him to record us grapling and other sparing so we did and also u said i had nothing good in it, take down then i put him in the guillotine i arched my back making it harder for him to break out of it but u were to focused on dissing my abilities that u didnt see it
12 years ago Report
JeanYves72: I can't diss something that doesn't exist Aaron. I used to do the same thing as a kid mucking around with my friends. Guess that means by your logic I am a natural.
12 years ago Report
PureSilver67: @ aarondelo

I have been following this thread for quite some time now. Seems others have way more patience with you than I ever would.

Why is it that you don't just "shut up and listen and learn" from those more experienced than you?

You're such a

that video was hillarious! I will tell you something "good" about what you did in there - you mastered the art of walking backwards

If your opponent was a true agressor and not just a sparring partner/ friend of yours, you wouldn't have stood a chance. You would have been knocked to the ground and put out of action - easy!

I think I'll have to replay that video for laughs.
12 years ago Report
Kingmastermine: pure meet rod
and u dont know what im like with a true aggressor i wont post them videos your just hating on me oh well the mods will see this and guess what thats a retreat defence very effective come spar with me ill show u in person how effective and since ur not a friend ill use lil more un controled hits sorry but u dont know my art do u
12 years ago Report
JeanYves72: You have no art. A retreat defence hey. So being beat up is what....using your face, stomach to hurt their fists and feet? Sorry, but sparring is useless in a real confrontation. Not at all practical. And you are a child with little experience, maturity or control. Unless you want to pay fro my airfare.
12 years ago Report
Kingmastermine: u gotta pay your own way and ill make u swim here maybe then would u be in shape to spar with me and sparing is used in every form of marital arts so u just sound so dumb really and it takes more energy throwing a punch and missing then throwing one and contacting guess what block near all the thrown hits is less energy then throwing the hits and getting them thrown off thats why u see im fully rested and they are out of breath so come on come throw your 100 hits 5 will land the rest are blocked then my first 19 hits weaken you then that final hit takes you down sorry buddies u both have shown no restraint in your insults and u know for a fact a retreat defence is practical they come at you they throw you block they throw again you block you hit contact step back they throw again u block pick your strikes all you two are showing is you cant show control and if i wasnt showing control then how come i didnt do everything to the max cuz it was a spar practice u know what that is maybe u dont is something you two say you are doing yet your bashing on my form and my practice so how about you both hop on a plane come here and just have a friendly sparing session then you can try to tell me what and what i dont have
12 years ago Report
JeanYves72: You are the one issuing the challenge. You have to pay. Brave to issue one when you don't believe it will happen. If combat was based on bluster and ego then my friend you would be a natural. A master. The one issuing the challenge has to pay.
12 years ago Report
Kingmastermine: no your the one who is slandering my name and my form so i offered for u to come see for myself so u wanna slander my form and my abilities then you have to pay not me you do cuz you wanna trash talk me online and i have no ego so get over it
12 years ago Report
JeanYves72: Nice way to get out of it. I am planning a trip over that way in the next year. Love the fragile egos of boys.
12 years ago Report