10 most practical martial art... (Page 15)

angel_from_poland: hello there i pracise at 5 years Martas Arts !! so then what can i say my life is changed on better way....more Chi ....sure i can say more as sombody here will be interested?....hugs Gosia
10 years ago Report
ZenBassist: Practical for what? Tournement or combat? In true self defense scenarios, there is no point system, and no time outs, nor is there such a thing as an illegal technique. I have studied many styles, and each has its strong points. Jiujitsu is great when it is one on one, but get jumped by a group of thugs and you are in trouble. Wing Chun is devastating on the street, but in the ring, you would be getting disqualified if you used half of your techniques. The answer I believe is simple. The best martial art is the one that you as an individual can effectively defend yourself with. If it works for you, then it doesn't suck.
10 years ago Report
LabRatEscapee: I've studied martial arts for a long time, it helped me get into shape, made me more confident, and also provided me with a stronger will to achieve. I believe that all martial arts are one, and give the same meaning: self survival.
8 years ago Report
Logune: Masters of martial arts, true masters, never get in a fight.
7 years ago Report
PrimeTyme1: To find good martial arts you need to first look at your abilities. Your strength, weakness and your mind... Look at the method of how most people... People tend to move run towards you’re so that forward movement is your first alert point... Someone who is in striking range of you is a dangerous person... Therefore, you need to position yourself in a defence and attacking a nature pose ready for defence and attack at the same time. I have studied and practice the arts for many years... and I am disciplined in 5 different styles.... I have used my skills to defend myself and a friend... from being attacked... Personally I recommend the following arts, Brazilian jiu jitsu, Aikido, Wing Chun, Pencak Silat, Kali or Eskrima. The other fighting art to consider is Krav Maga this art is a combination of many fighting martial arts... and was updated recently in 2013.
6 years ago Report
Fog Swept Glade
Fog Swept Glade: Kenpo learning followed by judo. An alternative would be tae kwon or Kung fu followed by akiddo. Close and far away. The real world has alot of “oppertunists”, sure, but, that kind of guy is making a scholarly statement, and was tampered with or didn‘t start a “fair fight” close and far away over mat fighting.
5 years ago Report
WalterAnthos: 1. Jun Fan Gung Fu/Jeet Kune Do
2. MMA
3. Western boxing (Queensbury rules)
4. Taekwondo
5. Tang Soo Do
6. Bujinkan
7. Brazilian/Gracie Jiu Jitsu
8. Muay Thai kickboxing
9. Catch wrestling
10. Bujinkan Ninjutsu
4 years ago Report
straywlf: 43 years of training in the martial arts. I have learned that all styles help in some way but you have to take what works for you from each of them. We all have different body styles. Some styles of fighting won't work for us. Find what you want to gain from training and develop that. Learn it all. I have a basic style I go back to to train, but... it isn't my style. It is the one developed by the original father of the style. I love to use my feet and legs but without training my hands and the rest of my body and mind I'm stifled.
4 years ago Report
Jus Jus
Jus Jus: I and my brother have practiced a blended form of Aikido and Ju Jitsu since childhood. The dojo has always emphasized that these forms of self defence are exactly that - for self defence and not for anything else.

The boastful and provocative term 'Fighting' is never used in the dojo or by any sensei.
3 years ago Report
TheloniousSphereMonk: Fuk-in gruv-in
1 year ago Report
smilingkiss: i think Muey Tai is very practical
11 months ago Report
Angry Beaver
8 months ago Report
Jonah_Kyle: The absolutely best hand-to-hand combat fighting is Kung Fu / San Soo. First popularized by Jimmy H. Woo from China, this method of fighting demonstrates the internalization of fighting to the death. Due to its highly lethal nature, this fighting art cannot easily be simulated in a competition setting; rather, it is the fighting method of choice for elite military forces.

The following video (first of three parts) was produced in the late nineties, where Master Robert taught the marines of the First Force and Recon Battalion at Camp Pendleton many of its lethal tenets in a rare non-confidential video. While other martial arts focus on many of the sporting competition's best moves, the ability to incapacitate an enemy, particularly when down on the ground, is just as vital, with most of the force applied from near-body locations, and an emphasis on attacking the weak points of an enemy opponent.


Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
(Edited by Jonah_Kyle)
7 months ago Report
k3hhbambr: Ceramics! Hit them with an ash tray and run fast!!!!
5 months ago Report