Talk or Act

Alternative Energy Forum
Redeyes: So... Anybody out there want to actually do something, or are we content to merely talk about it?
12 years ago Report
garda: Yes, just let me finish burning all this oil first.
12 years ago Report
Redeyes: but we need all that oil for plastics and other fun chemical synthesis stuff!
12 years ago Report
Comrade_: True actions should come at one point. What do you propose as a start, Redeyes?
12 years ago Report
Redeyes: Problem won't stay solved unless we make a profit with the solution. There are two points we can make a profit. One is with distrubuted grid electric generation. The other is production and targeted use of ethanol. Ethanol is best suited for stationary use, such as heating houses. If I had the means, I would focus on those two ideas. They can be combined, and form a nice commercial package with good profit potential.
12 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 12 years ago)
garda: Yawn. Profit. Money has no value. To advance we shouldn't think in such meaningless terms. You want profit from oil? STOP buying oil. If the United States used its OWN oil rather then buying it from the middle east then the middle east would just be a pile of sand. For the people that scream, "yes, but we want to use all their oil first then they have to come to us" Well for those people I assure you, your time spent on this planet in this life will long be over before they run out of oil.
12 years ago Report
Redeyes: sounds like nonsense to me... oh well!
12 years ago Report