| MUSIC COMPOSERSIn Music HeLL0, wELCoMe To My 0RiGiNaL pRoFiLe :deal:
♥mY NaMe iS AzZ :embarrassed:
~~~~♥ JuZ A SiMpLe GurL wiTh fUll oF MisEry, BuT Now iM haPPy =P nO sMoKe, nO dRuG aNd nO aLcOhOl !! :snicker:
♥ThE... I enjoy movies, car racing, crocheting, reading,writing, bikes, family, friends, walks on the beach, helping others etc.My date of birth is May 16,1963. I want too find love with someone who truly... I'm Just they way I want to be .... If U like It good If not... sorry :), I am not looking for cyber relationships I have a wonderful Boyfriend... I Do not like liars and even though I'm really... lUv Ur LIfe COz U neVER GONna knOW WaT WiL haPEn neXT EiTHer U gOnNA be :) :( :@ ;)
aNyWaYs ThANks 4 vIeWinG My PROfile, ;) I woUlD be Glad If U AlL CaN bE mY fRENZ....
Describing bout... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♪♥ My name is dea..
♪♥ i was born on november 8th
♪♥ im from indonesia..
♪♥ im student..
♪♥ i love my family..
♪♥ i love my hunn..
♪♥ and i love my friend..... "'Cause when I needed a place to hang my heart
You were there to wear it from the start
And with every breath of me, you'll be the only light I see."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAJfhZamFmo... Tamika is the name (H) Im awesome and your not :| :haha:
I am single and i love it :heart:
I also love my wifey chrissy :love: and donna and my other... I'm truthful, sincere, open, & transparent... I'd appreciate the same in return. I don't know how to define who I am, so I'll leave that to you.
I'm a softy, but if you go f*cking with my... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uNqjX7dvY8&list=FLi8Pjw7CcdN2jR35KvwU5lQ
♫♪♪♫... roula bolan - born 24 december 1982
- nationality greek and scotish - occupation model |
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