| Fans of the Jonas BrothersIn Music HeLL0, wELCoMe To My 0RiGiNaL pRoFiLe :deal:
♥mY NaMe iS AzZ :embarrassed:
~~~~♥ JuZ A SiMpLe GurL wiTh fUll oF MisEry, BuT Now iM haPPy =P nO sMoKe, nO dRuG aNd nO aLcOhOl !! :snicker:
♥ThE... roula bolan - born 24 december 1982
- nationality greek and scotish - occupation model http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63soIEs14oc
What up bishes what up hoez... welcome to the neon crab show!
I'm a lil crazy but at the same time prolly the coolest person ur gonna ever meet. Feel... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MTSBcvI9DI
This is your life. Take control of it :) Florida is the first state that will require drug testing when applying for welfare (effective July 1st)! Some people are crying this is unconstitutional. How is this unconstitutional yet it's okay... ♥;
Not Your Average Bear
My Mind Works At A 1,000 Miles A Minute
There Is a ..S U R P R I S E..around Every Corner
I DO What I want && I LIKE what I Do
Im NICE, outgoing, adventurous and nothing... i love talking....so much....so come to me if u love talking or dont love talking..i don care i will keep talking with you...come to me if u r bored i will make u happy..come to me if ur happy i am... Ask me • Female • 32 years old http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLu73iGs-Ws
So cute! |
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