Introduce Yourself

Artistic Corner
Satans Doll: Please talk about yourself here.
Create a bio~
12 years ago Report
David20061001: Why not post your bio first as an example?
12 years ago Report
alanpaten: I think so too
12 years ago Report
Rainbow4ever: I'm a stranger
12 years ago Report
alanpaten: Why
12 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 12 years ago)
Satans Doll
12 years ago Report
Ada  XueY
Ada XueY: I like drawing pictrues
12 years ago Report
Corwin: I'm a photographer by trade. But I often waste many hours posting meaningless nonsense on Wireclub forums. Sometimes I may say something meaningful or insightful, but most of the time I'm either trying to get a laugh from people, or just being plain silly. I'm not sure if this is trolling behavior or not, but it is a way to help waste away some hours between jobs. I had a friend who used to waste his hours in a much less productive fashion... he would take a jar and fill it with pennies... a hundred pennies to be exact... then he would dump them on the floor, and count them again to see if there was still a hundred of them. Usually there was... except for the one time when he counted only 97, and another time when he counted 102. But it was likely that he merely miscounted. Of course this one time he counted 376 pennies... but he had just eaten a week-old baloney sandwich that had turned several different colors... so he probably wasn't in his right mind at the time... certainly in no shape to be counting pennies. This of course is an important lesson on why you should always clean out your fridge on a regular basis. Often people habitually put left-overs in the fridge every day, only to find a fridge jam-packed with a smorgasbord of inedible spoiled food that is merely taking up valuable real-estate in your fridge. These people should probably learn to cook smaller meals... this would help keep the fridge clean, and also save a bit on the grocery bill. I knew this guy who got bitten by a raccoon while cleaning his garage out... it didn't look rabid or anything, but he went and got checked out anyway. Have you ever been to Utah? I haven't but it looks like an interesting place to visit. They have a lot of neat looking canyons and rock formations there. Speaking of Jehovah's Witnesses, don't you find it annoying when they come to your door trying to give you their pamphlets and stuff? They can be as bad as telemarketers... I hate it when those guys call you in the middle of doing something... you think it might be an important call, but then it turns out not to be important after all.

Oh, and I also like to fish.
12 years ago Report
rgreenberg61: i like justin bieber as a bf
12 years ago Report
ohnonotthatguy: ROFLAO
Thanks Corvin very interesting read.
my cousin Binyviny had also that thing when he would eat a 2 week-old baloney sandwich.
Binyviny after eating his sandwich he always ran to the 401 and highway 400 to pick up cigarette buts along the shoulder and sometimes he would look for nickles and dimes on the center or fast lanes.
Most have been the Baloney.
12 years ago Report
KissMe2Death: I'm Kiss
12 years ago Report
Art_of_Patience: I'm Chuck Norris!
12 years ago Report
Corwin: Hey people... just a heads-up....

There's a new Super-Troll who has been spotted leaving damage on many a Wireclub forum, and we all have to be on the lookout....
He goes by the code-name "Sparticus"... you should all keep your eyes out for him, and report him at the first chance if you spot him.

Some of us have begun to suspect who his real/first Wire identity is, but we're not certain... and are waiting for him to slip up and accidentally reveal himself....
But there are rumors that his name will be that of a small mammal.... and a well-known "Wireaholic".... and some even claim that he lives..... in a cardboard box!!

If he is spotted on ANY forums you visit.... please contact Admin immediately.
And he is considered armed and dangerous... approach with caution.
(Edited by Corwin)
12 years ago Report
Ramirez143: Im Different
12 years ago Report
Carrian: im Bruce Lee
12 years ago Report
Fruitbat1919: I so surprised that no one has said "I'm Spartacus" yet!

Well where to begin....... I'm Bat and I'm a

Nope seriously....I find it so much better just chatting and discovering during conversation than saying ....this is who I am and this is my cardboard box I belong in!
12 years ago Report
Aswandy_94: hello.... i can become a soccer player... in 2013..
12 years ago Report
Corwin: I can become an astronaut.... in 2017.

Once in orbit around the Earth, I will contact my mother-ship and reunite with my Robot Sasquatch brethren from the planet Glaxnog.

Good times.
12 years ago Report
OmnicroN_2017: i smell trolls EVERYWHERE!
12 years ago Report
Corwin: Maybe change your brand of deodorant?
12 years ago Report
edricleeboneham: I am become death.
12 years ago Report
Corwin: I am become a plate of Belgian waffles.
12 years ago Report
Flower Yui
Flower Yui: like guitar
12 years ago Report
soulfulsue: Hi all,new here and hopiing to meet some sincere ppl.I'm a very down to earth
person and i treat everybody as i want them to treat me
12 years ago Report
Corwin: Welcome to Wire.
12 years ago Report
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