Republican Chatters3 Republican Chatters3

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Created by rogintex

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tala33again president trump i say these words to you ...we will make america powerful again...we will make...america wealthy again
tala33again ...we will make america strong again...we will make america proud again...we will make america safe again...and we will make america great again
dammaga talaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hey
tala33again DAMMA..............................
tala33again We Are One movement one people one family and one glorious nation under God and together we will make America powerful again. We will make America wealthy again.
tala33again We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. We will make America free again.
tala33again We will make America great again. God bless you all
tala33again So, we received no snow here
tala33again Just rain and cold air
dammaga 74 degree's here
dammaga weird weather for february
tala33again Relaxing now.
dammaga march can be very bad here
jcinpenn damma.. February weather here is more likely March and April weather.
tala33again We went out earlier
tala33again Went to our daughters
dammaga jc i see
tala33again Our son was there. Gave us 3 cartons of eggs
dammaga jc i guess the southest is like this
dammaga tala nice
dammaga east*
tala33again We always get eggs from him
tala33again Birds too
dammaga they leat a long time
dammaga did you see in pa where someone stole $40,000.00 worth of eggs
tala33again I will email you a dozen
dammaga tala i wish
dammaga yes the law was looking for those eggs
plumbrrrr 1 adam 12 .....
tala33again Stealing is no yoke
dammaga i am not sure but i think it was a cosco order for their stores
dammaga plum lol
tala33again A democrat did it
tala33again Damma Do you have Sams and BJ's wholesale
dammaga sams tala
tala33again We like them over costco
tala33again Publix too
dammaga our nearest cosco is 25 miles away sam's 4 miles
dammaga publix is high but thhey have good sales
tala33again Both costcos are the same distance from us
tala33again Publix with their BOGO
dammaga i like the 2 for 1
tala33again Also the 50 gas card for 40 bucks
tala33again 10 bucks is 10 bucks
tala33again connie never talks
tala33again Trump stripping the security clearances of numerous antagonists — including NY AG Letitia James, DA Alvin Bragg
tala33again NO WAY .Can he do that?
tala33again President Trump has ordered security clearances stripped from a new hit list of antagonists.
tala33again Just days after revoking Joe Biden’s access to classified information and secure federal buildings — “because I don’t trust him”
dammaga i question that
tala33again — Trump said his new top target is ex-Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, who orchestrated the “Dirty 51” letter from former intelligence officials on the eve of the 2020 election.
dammaga on what basis?
tala33again Trump is the President
freedomfirst1797 Think about this.... Reagan and both Bushes talked about shutting down the DOE. But Trump might actually do it.
plumbrrrr you know "the one man show"
plumbrrrr exactly freedom
freedomfirst1797 Plumb, I still don't believe this is happening. In my wildest dreams I didn't think he would move so quickly and effectively.
tala33again god bless america
tala33again Free.pinch yourself
tala33again Oh........Hello Free
freedomfirst1797 Tala, I hope I don't wake up and hear Kamala cackling up a storm
plumbrrrr lolol freedom .. I had inside information, knew it was coming
freedomfirst1797 The Swamp can't stop him this time
freedomfirst1797 I think Trump really believes he was spared for a reason
plumbrrrr new name is now "the sewer"
tala33again Plumb..........the vid I posted above from the Blaze..........They brought up what I have been saying since NOV 2024
plumbrrrr you betchya , freedom
plumbrrrr i didnt see it
dammaga dept of energy is something musk knows about
jcinpenn free.. quickly yes...effectively, no.
freedomfirst1797 Plumb, there is nothing left they can do to him. They tried to jail him, they tried to bankrupt him, they even tried to kill him
freedomfirst1797 They slandered him
tala33again free.. quickly yes...effectively,YES.Deal with it
plumbrrrr what part of effictive am a i missing ?
tala33again They HATE of what Trump is doing blows my mind
freedomfirst1797 There is nothing left for the swamp to do by whine a lot
freedomfirst1797 but whine a lot
tala33again and more
jcinpenn What Trump wants is good... it's his operations that are causing a problem.
tala33again What Trump wants is good... it's his operations are ROCKIN
tala33again Deal with it
plumbrrrr Justin Trudeau gets caught on hot mic saying Trump’s plans to annex Canada are ‘a real thing’
freedomfirst1797 Imagine the Democrat running in 2028 on a promise to "bring back the criminals Trump deported" and to "provide funding for that Transgender Opera that Trump cancelled"
plumbrrrr operations will fall into place