
Talk about Politics, Governments, Civil Rights and Freedom.

Talk about Politics, Governments, Civil Rights and Freedom.

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rlau290541 Has General Millie been fired yet? He seemed more concerned with our troops having more lipstick and tampons than ammuntion.....
jetjamm Monday 10 February 2025 - Hamas suddenly decides not to release more hostages
litlbitaitaly Stan send Elon back
DDB61 sba is correct
Dagsby ITs funny who republicans have boiled everything down to DEI and trans people, and ignored all the real problems in society. Ignorant fools
terryvann You betcha Asher, the racist are with you there!
AsherZel Obama started with his racism on the day he was elected, calling cops stupid and racist for protecting a home
litlbitaitaly Jet really?
jetjamm Obvious really
royhobbs Lau, why do Trans folks scare you so much?
dovermn327 anyone?
litlbitaitaly Are they all dead?
Kari_lee1 hey terry
jetjamm Lit yep
StanFore Ash - that was straight up dumb
ZykraCosmos Trump says he will do away with NOAA . You can just get your weather from Fox Weather he says. And if there's a hurricane coming, I'll tell you where it's going with my Sharpie.
terryvann hi Kari
howard57ad damn Lois
tcmm34533 dag right
rlau290541 you don't scare me royhobbs... just annoy me
sbarrival Affirmative Action should have ended with the election of President Barack Obama so we could get trump, hilarious.
riderlink95 Also man liberals fought for LGBT rights under Kennedy
trumpetshappier "Bill Barhydt Predicts $700K Bitcoin and $16K Ethereum in 2025, "
sprinter1974 tam,,, it LOOKS like the refs who were paid to be lenient FOR MAHOMO,,, were getting paid by USAID,,,, money froze,,, CHIEFS LOSE??? coincedence???
royhobbs ok, but why such a dick?
riderlink95 Kennedy supported LGBT rights
litlbitaitaly Yeah why is maga so afraid of gays and trans?
loisd3luv Anyway, the second Civil Rights bill was passed in 1875, but the US Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional.
terryvann guess the Convicted Felon has no idea where Fox gets it's WX information!!!
AsherZel rider, I see that you want to get hung up on the Kennedy thing, listen, everything that I am posting was TRUE during Kennedy
Poo0ccurs Trump appoints loyal, convicted, insurrectionist, recently pardoned Ed Martin, advocate of Jan. 6 Rioters to now run the office that investigated him and oversee the U.S. attorney’s office
rlau290541 because you and your ilk are ...roy
riderlink95 @AsherZel https://jfk.blogs.archives.gov/2021/06/02/kameny-jfk-lgbtq-rights/
Neroredivus So civil rights were called unconstitutional, but the SC said a President is immune from criminal prosecution? NOT what the founders wanted
langangilang4 rider, queers & trannies would make JFK retch seeing them today
jetjamm Trump is emulating fascism & the left is cheering on jihadist Naziism
AsherZel and the evolution of this current losing democrat party, took years
Paul013 The white right supremacists are only interested in their white agenda ... why would they even pretend to care about others !!💩💩💩🍌🍌🍌
jonca778 we learned how much the Chiefs relied on USAID--
litlbitaitaly Can maga explain their fear of gays and Trans?
AsherZel lang 100%
jetjamm We’re screwed
ZykraCosmos litlbit .. all those folks are scared of gays and trans because somewhere in their childhoods somebody touched their @~%*^ on a camping trip
loisd3luv The US Supreme Court also ruled that Jim Crow laws were not unconstitutional.
rlau290541 libs are pretty bold until there's push back and then they start to whine...
howard57ad Italee it’s because their booty holes tingle
litlbitaitaly Ahhhhhhhh Zykra lol
Kari_lee1 lang I don't think JFK would care as long as he still had his women
Neroredivus Lois, after 100 years of them. Bit slow
AvalancheLily I like Roy's ilk.
litlbitaitaly Lol howard
sprinter1974 litl,,, why do leftist continue to use the word FEAR in ALL their posts,,, it is NOT FEAR
AsherZel Kennedy's father, Joe, gave his daughter a frontal lobotomy because she was a nymphomaniac
jetjamm Who whines more than Trump
Neroredivus jet, Kanye West?
loisd3luv He really think the white South Africans love him?
Poo0ccurs i have a question. for maga
AsherZel can you imagine what he would have done to one of his sons if the son wanted to wear a dress?
loisd3luv Musk doesn't even love him, but uses him.
Poo0ccurs You say you voted for trump’s return to office…… You say you liked his “policies”. That things were “better”. That he “fought for you”
riderlink95 @AsherZel man JFKs presidential library says youre wrong
langangilang4 kari, JFK would not promote trannies in the military
jetjamm Nero fair okay
jonca778 Novak Djokovic and Andy Murray have agreed to continue their coaching partnership up until Wimbledon (at least).
howard57ad Elon musk is a Rasputin
Poo0ccurs Question: Why do you think that?
AsherZel rider well then once again you have won
DDB61 I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
rlau290541 I guess the Democrats that wrote the Jim Crowe Laws were happy about that Lois
ZykraCosmos White South Africans told Trump they don't want to leave, thank you very much
Poo0ccurs Because he told you he would lower the cost of your prescription drugs, and didn’t….. Biden did.
Kari_lee1 lang I am not so sure about that JFK was progressive
AvalancheLily stop, ddb
robbie0310 gulf of america.....has a nice ring to it
Neroredivus robbie, it's lame
howard57ad Severance pay for experience government, civil servants is an attempt to consolidate power to a handful of idiots, primarily Trump himself
riderlink95 @AsherZel this isnt about winning lol, why say something thats easily checked? Do you just not care?
AsherZel robbie it is music to my ears
loisd3luv Ain't Andy Murry and Novak about 50 now?