Catholic Theology

A friendly place to meet, discuss & ask questions about the Catholic Faith. All are welcome. Civility and respectfulness are fundamental. Please follow the guidelines on Fr. B's Blog & heed the hosts.

Created by Father Barnabas

A friendly place to meet, discuss & ask questions about the Catholic Faith. All are welcome. Civility and respectfulness are fundamental. Please follow the guidelines on Fr. B's Blog & heed the hosts.

This is a moderated chat room. Our friendly Moderators might be present in order to keep this room clean and peaceful at all times. Please read and follow the rules of conduct.
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TheRIDERlives Real, I sin every day, but ask foregivness everyday,and for sin i dont know i coomit
Nyrangerfan1986 Helllo riders
Nyrangerfan1986 Not much peace
TheRIDERlives evenin ranger
angel303ba Hi rider
realloser13 Right RIDER. But the Catholic Church has requires Confession.
TheRIDERlives Hey angel
TheRIDERlives Hi there Abigail
AbigailPortia Hi Rider!
realloser13 I can be as sorry as hell, that doesn't quite cut it in the Catholic Church's teachings.
angel303ba Abigail hi
sosocath hi abigail
TheRIDERlives I can barely keep my eyes open. gnight room
sosocath its only 10!
sosocath even earlier
AbigailPortia Maybe he wakes the chickens in the mornings
sosocath lol could be
sosocath wb meg
meglowmaniac Thanks soso!
sosocath just saw an Ikea commercial I def need to go back
meglowmaniac Hi Abi 👋
sosocath one piece daughter and I tried to build we didnt have the strength lol
angel303ba lol soso
angel303ba soso is your daughter home
sosocath angel yes
sosocath and have started fighting
sosocath hi alex
angel303ba (( Alex))
alex_nyc Angel!!!!!!
sosocath lol its ok
sosocath its to be expected
angel303ba It’s true
angel303ba so far my kid been goood
alex_nyc hey Abi!
alex_nyc Meg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sosocath Alex hate to admit it but I think u may have been right
alex_nyc about what?
sosocath and my computer
realloser13 I think I just set a world record for eating pecan sicky buns.
sosocath real lol
alex_nyc well, why do you hate to admit it?
alex_nyc I am a computer genius
realloser13 IS anyone familiar with "Hint" water?
alex_nyc hey Real!
realloser13 Howdy, alex.
realloser13 You get any snow there?
alex_nyc not much here
realloser13 Got any rock salt in the city?
sosocath wow lucky
sosocath why is salt in such a shortage?
sosocath not that I use it as is bad for dogs
meglowmaniac Oooooo Alex, eeep I didnt say hellllooooo in the room
realloser13 My guess is fear-seeding.
meglowmaniac Haha real
alex_nyc you missed my grand entrance
meglowmaniac I had the confetti and everything
meglowmaniac Now i will be throwing sad confetti
realloser13 Yeh... I use it in a very limited way. Mostly out front. The dogs don't usually go there.
alex_nyc should I reenter?
sosocath to late
alex_nyc hold on, let me reenter
sosocath there's no salt here either
alex_nyc and now, live from Nu Yohk
sosocath so why the shortage?
alex_nyc heeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrres AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAlexxxxxxxxxxxxx
realloser13 Quick! Lock the door.
meglowmaniac hiiiiiiiiiiiii Alllllleeeeeexxxxxxx