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Local Canada Chat Room

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mesicut805 The Dems have stolen enormous amounts of taxpayer money
mesicut805 They have fleeced America
deahwinter Man history really is repeating itself
obsidianenergy599 like Tinkerbell?
obsidianenergy599 ok, now i've heard it all
deahwinter Kinda actual fairies are a lot more complex than that XD
obsidianenergy599 tell me more about that
obsidianenergy599 so....the tooth fairy? like that?
deahwinter some are human average height some are smaller some are giants
mesicut805 Trudeau is a fairy like mayor Pete who took 9 months off work for delivering a baby
obsidianenergy599 ok, no offense, but are you on drugs right now?
deahwinter like make you believe you’re in love after they peace out
deahwinter No im just referencing actual Irish fairies that have a nack for mess with people
obsidianenergy599 wouldn't that be a leprechaun?
obsidianenergy599 ah, fairies of the Irish persuasion, so they'd drink green beer?
deahwinter those are short shoe makers who stay almost one size
Quarter Horsey Yeah, I somehow don’t think we are related to fairies.
deahwinter Probably not because they are apparently cruel
deahwinter and benevolent
deahwinter and mischievous
deahwinter and steal babies
Quarter Horsey And I think they’re only in story books..
deahwinter Sorry I get into this a bit xD
Quarter Horsey The human beings can be mischievous and cruel. Human beings can also be benevolent if they want to be.
deahwinter Idk. Probably, but also word of mouth
mesicut805 Trudeau and mayor Pete are larger than life fairies
deahwinter That’s true
deahwinter not you
deahwinter horsey is , that’s true
deahwinter But I’m also saying it because everyone thinks Disney like tinker belll
deahwinter Though she is cruel
deahwinter tinker bell is freaking mean af
Quarter Horsey Yeah, I prefer Angelina Jolie as maleficent
Quarter Horsey because people thought she was mean, but she was actually just hurt by others and put off
deahwinter Yeah she did really well at that
mesicut805 The Liberal party of Canada is hoping Musk does not visit Ottawa but once Carney’undertakes his miserable defeat maybe Musk will be hired.
callmefriend hi Any Canadian female to PM ?
Quarter Horsey P.m. about what?
mesicut805 Freeland ? Nope
Quarter Horsey because right now a certain flouncy Francy Nancy named Trudeau is the PM
deahwinter I never voted for him, that’s all I’m going to say
Quarter Horsey Yeah, I never voted for him either
deahwinter but I’m not a fan of the idea their options either
deahwinter of The other*
Quarter Horsey In politics, you cannot please everyone, but the least that everybody could do is stick to the same thing where important things like healthcare and the justice system, mental health, etc…
mesicut805 Pencil neck Carney is the Liberal leader
Quarter Horsey at least they could stick to those things and make them matter for all people
Quarter Horsey I know it’s wishful thinking but, it would’ve been the easiest way to make sure that the system at least worked somewhat better than it does
deahwinter Yeah basically
mesicut805 Pencil neck is facing a humiliating defeat
deahwinter I’m a wishful thinker too.
deahwinter i honestly don’t care
obsidianenergy599 i can't believe this day went by so quickly
deahwinter why have a family day holiday at all ?
mesicut805 Canadians are fed up with the theft in Canada and the immigration crisis and the subsidization of housing and wages of all immigrants and regular Canadians are neglected.