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Jokero__ Lol noneya
Midnightstar19 Jokero, shut up
Jokero__ im getting him aroused
Jokero__ with midnights poop
Midnightstar19 You use dildos more than UK uses his hand
Noneya2 @Jokero__ he wants to bath in mids poop
Jokero__ Uk walks with his hand in his pants 24/7
Jokero__ 24 h wanker in town
Midnightstar19 UK, stop saving my pics
Jokero__ Uk gets aroused even by dogs poops
Noneya2 @Jokero__ it’s about a 2 min wanker. He spends the other 23:58 min trying to find it
Mr Doubt I think jokero is flirting with me she only talked to me
Jokero__ It’s hard to find it unless you use a microscope
Midnightstar19 Jokero wants your incher
Midnightstar19 Look how she's begging
Jokero__ Midnight wants your moobs
Mr Doubt Sorry I’m at work if I don’t laugh at ur jokes jokero x
Midnightstar19 Where is he?
Midnightstar19 Are you a street sweeper?
Jokero__ Who has bigger boobs? Midnight or uk?
Midnightstar19 Do your job properly
Noneya2 Doubt, playing magic in your moms basement isn’t a real job
Noneya2 @Jokero__ Uk definitely wins in the forehead category
Jokero__ Uk’s job is to collect dog poo from parks
Jokero__ @Noneya2 lmao
Noneya2 I heard UK was voted most likely to stalk someone after high school
Mr Doubt My forehead is so big I can’t do a handstand using my hands
Jokero__ Uk gets 1£ daily it’s his salary
Noneya2 @Mr Doubt your forehead is so big it makes a porn stars d look like a micro peen
Midnightstar19 Guys, don't be mean yo his head
Midnightstar19 Uk is the hottest guy on wire
Noneya2 @Midnightstar19 I’m not. I’m being mean to his FOREhead
Midnightstar19 Fern ❤️
Midnightstar19 My forehead is not so small
Noneya2 @Midnightstar19 UKs forehead size is mean enough to him already
Midnightstar19 Fern, sexy mamacita...Your middle finger didn't get removed
Midnightstar19 I'll complain to Rod
Mr Doubt I would ask noneya what he looks like but he will call me gay
Midnightstar19 Errawr sup
I amErr0r Wire rod still exists?
Noneya2 @Mr Doubt id never xall
Noneya2 someone gay. Never
Midnightstar19 Doubt, he looks big and strong
Mr Doubt Noneya will not pm me again after I leave the room anymore
Mr Doubt Is that gay?
Noneya2 @Mr Doubt Cuz last time you pmed me you asked to see my d. I don’t hit from that side of the plate
Mr Doubt @Midnightstar19 you only seen his c0ck?
Noneya2 @Mr Doubt she’s felt it
Mr Doubt @Noneya2 all you felt was being a weak simp
I amErr0r Mid your goat isn’t here
I amErr0r Oh wait nvm
Midnightstar19 Jokero you mean?
Noneya2 @Mr Doubt the only thing you’ve felt is your dog licking the peanut butter off your balls
Noneya2 Doubt that’s a form of animal abuse
Noneya2 Fern, wake up you lazy ass
FERNALICIOUS Lol it's 2 am
I amErr0r Hey fern
Noneya2 Pfft I was up 4am and worked a 16 hour shift fern
Midnightstar19 Jordan, will u ever chat?

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