all in the family all in the family

family means love

Created by njdave53

family means love

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Dwnhillfrumhere Vacation rocks
Miss Melissa2 that's true
Dana1025 Secrets? I keep a packet of oreos in my closet that my dad does not know about....shhhhh
Miss Melissa2 that's a huge secret, Dana
Fox2025 Dana, did you and him have special nights?
Dwnhillfrumhere Could go for oreos tho...
tspccc84ab good job you do not have dogs, they would have found them
Fox2025 oreo that's what i m talking about
Dwnhillfrumhere I like the chewy chips ahoy
Dwnhillfrumhere Heat em up a bit...
Miss Melissa2 i like chewy chips ahoreo
todd610 I like the 420 cookies
Dwnhillfrumhere Sound tasty
Dana1025 I know he has chocochip ones in his bathroom
Dwnhillfrumhere U dad stashes cookies in the bathroom
Dwnhillfrumhere Cuz ull steal em?
tspccc84ab OMG they get soggy
Fox2025 eating in the bathroom?
Dana1025 Keeps under the sink. Went looking for shampoo and saw them....
Dwnhillfrumhere Or he dont want u to see him during a cookie frenzy
Dana1025 ha ha I hope not! eww
Dwnhillfrumhere Cookie shame...
Miss Melissa2 I'm thinking cookie monster here
Dana1025 lol. I got the recent red velvet oreos....they are okay, but not amazing
Dwnhillfrumhere Ur cookies need chocolate chips in em dana
Dwnhillfrumhere U missing a key ingredient there...
todd610 Ive nom nom but it wasn’t on cookies
Dwnhillfrumhere Cookie monster ate chocolate chip cookies
todd610 missing 420 in them
Dana1025 I think the Oreos are sprinkled with crack. Kidding
Dana1025 But I have a mental allowance of 4 a day. No more
Dwnhillfrumhere That would explain the addiction
anOlderMale57 66 married male
Dwnhillfrumhere Gets lil white powder donuts
Miss Melissa2 cocaine donuts
cupcakenwu Beats 420
Dana1025 Local doughnut shop has them
Dwnhillfrumhere Hey melissa!
Miss Melissa2 I'm on the phone...
Dwnhillfrumhere Quietly chucks a donut at melissa
Dana1025 Need to head out. Have a great day all. Be safe if the weather is messy in your area
Dwnhillfrumhere See ya dana
Dwnhillfrumhere Damn room went quiet
tspccc84ab Hi there Victoria
tspccc84ab nice call Melissa