About Us
Wireclub is a place to chat with your friends, meet new people and discover great conversations. Unlike other services, we don't limit your posts to 140 characters and we respect your right to privacy.
While Wireclub was born as a hobby and it was bootstrapped since its inception, we quickly realized there was an incredible demand for the service we provide: a partially anonymous chat network where you can share as much or as little about yourself as you feel comfortable with.
We currently serve 8,571,476 extremely engaged members that on average spend 20.2 minutes with us on each visit.
Everyday over 1.1 million messages are exchanged by our users and this number is growing fast. We have built a custom high-performance CEP platform to handle our messages which will soon be available for 3rd-party licensing.
Wireclub.com is maintained by just 2 full-time staff members and a fantastic team of volunteer moderators.
We are able to function with such a small team thanks to an incredible set of automated moderation tools we have developed, which includes a robot moderator we are afraid might become self-aware one day. Licensees using our technology are able to manage massive online communities with almost no staff, just like we do.
Above all things, Wireclub is about our users and the wonderful community they have built here.