StuckInTheSixties Offline

71 Single Male from Napa       150

April 2, 2010

This is just one of my “Weekly Photos From My Porch.” I’ve posted hundreds of these. This one was shot when the conditions were unusual. There was a layer of white, fluffy clouds that was fairly low, low enough to obscure the tops of the hills that always form the background of this weekly photo. Then a big dark grey rain cloud moved in between me and those hills. From my perspective, that caused the sky to appear as if it was in two distinct, different color layers.

It’s a decent picture, but has the usual flaw of being a little overexposed. As always, I took the same picture with different exposures, and though flawed, this one was the best. The sunlight at 4:18 was still more direct and harsh than it would have been later in the day, but the drama of the picture made the choice worth it. I could have gotten a better result in the lighting of the grass and vineyard, but that would have produced deep shadows in the trees and on the hillside, obscuring those details too much.

This was the best compromise.

Posted previously in Albums …
#138: “The Year 2010 … As Seen From My Porch On A Weekly Basis (Photo Essay)”
#139: “My Best Photos Of 2010”
12 years ago Report