StuckInTheSixties Offline

71 Single Male from Napa       150

Picture #24 of 30:


lumu81 says January 22:
I can imagine myself sitting on your verandah, sipping on some wine, watching this

StuckInTheSixties says January 22:
It was actually a little chilly when I took the picture. Brrrrrr! But we could bundle up! Summer's not that far away.

lumu81 says January 22:
We could just drink shitloads of wine, then we wouldn't feel the cold! And then when you do your nudey run.............

StuckInTheSixties says January 22:
Yikes! Shrinkage!

lumu81 says January 22:
*giggles uncontrollably*

SABLES says January 23:
another nice one

Karma says January 23:

StuckInTheSixties says January 23:
It's okay, but not perfect. If the power lines were absent, it would be much better. But I can't control where the power lines are in relation to where my house is and where the sun sets.
12 years ago Report