StuckInTheSixties Offline

71 Single Male from Napa       150

Picture #30

Location Letter ā€œLā€

Camera aimed southwest

In this third section of the three picture panorama you can see the previously mentioned canyon that cuts the ridgeline, as it can clearly be seen on the map as well. You can also see another tree line, one that follows the course of a creek that runs hard during the winter rains but dries up in the long sunny summer. Examine the photo closely. Between and beyond the two sections of the ridge lies a prominent hill. This hilltop is visible in the photograph looming beyond the gap in the ridge. And if you trace a straight line from the letter ā€œLā€ through that gap, you can see the hill that appears in the picture as well. (The gap itself is obscured in the photo by the tree line.)
12 years ago Report