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71 Single Male from Napa       150

Picture #29

Location Letter “L”

Camera aimed southwest

This is the second of the three-picture panorama. It takes in a distinctly separated section of the ridge, sitting there like a gigantic loaf of bread. If you examine the map, you can see this section of the ridge is separated from that of the section further north by a canyon that cuts into the ridge. The map also shows a small road that runs up into the canyon (unseen in the photo). Examine the map further. To the southeast of Letter L you will see two tiny ponds depicted. If you make a line from Letter L between those ponds, and continue that line to the ridge, you will notice a deep gully. With careful examination of the picture, you can barely see a line in the trees that marks that gully. It’s just a tiny bit to the right of the center of the picture.
12 years ago Report