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71 Single Male from Napa       150

Week #46:

November 15, 2009

Outbackjack says November 16:
Heaps greener,you seem to get some nice weather for this time of year,but I guess you are in California afterall.

Karma says November 16:
Beautiful. As always

StuckInTheSixties says November 16:
The green is a result of a few inches of early rain that fell a month or so ago. It would not be unusual at all for it to still be quite dry right now, but it's at this time of year that we begin shifting over to the rainy season. This view has always been here right under my nose, but until I started taking pictures of it, I simply took it for granted and gave it no thought. Now I find myself looking at it every day, and scrutinizing the changes as they occur. I find myself now wondering when all of the leaves will have fallen, so that the vineyard is once again just bare to the bones as it was when I started this weekly series.

barnestorming_girl says November 18:
beautiful darling

StuckInTheSixties says November 18:
Thank you, Darling! As always!
12 years ago Report