Nestor Offline

40 Single Male from Tehran       51


Human Behaviour

Human behavior is absolutely fascinating. I do really like to observe people and try to predict what they will do next which can in return provide a real learning experience. Human behavior is quite predictable in many instances. how ever personalities can be extremely complex but there are areas that can be understood with a high degree of accuracy.

Tips on "Dos And Don'ts" while some one official visits your work place

when some one from Dubai Office comes to visit the ship i wounder why the chief engineer insists that the nasty f%*x*x& workshop should be clean?

I do not follow his mind, but I have got some tips:

1- try to be connected to some office girls in Dubai they would let you know about auditing schedules and assessment results maybe.

2- always consider some one will come and catch you while you are polluting the ocean and killing the poor Dolphins?!!!!!

3- Take it easy...some bad remarks in your profile is not that bad

Ok!... hope you would like the shit I put in my blog for my first time...if you've got any comment do not hesitate to add it...I will take a look at it asap.

Songs I would put on a road trip mix CD

+Road Tripping by Red Hot Chilli peppers
+Desert Roses By Sting
+Show Must Go on By The Queen