Fascinating New Insights about Mars (Page 4)

Corwin: I think I'll just refresh the page, and we can start over with a normal conversation about new insights on the planet Mars... hopefully one that doesn't involve space-aliens, government conspiracies, magical powers, or flying lawnmowers.

Paranormal Forums that way ----------------->
(Edited by Corwin)
10 years ago Report
lori100: Head Of A Statue In Latest NASA Mars Rover Image : Other Mysteries

Found at http://www.disclose.tv/forum/head-of-a-statue-in-latest-nasa-mars-rover-image-t91050.html-----------------------
---------Go to the Nasa photo here: http://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files ... 528-wb.jpg

Read more: http://www.disclose.tv/forum/head-of-a-statue-in-latest-nasa-mars-rover-image-t91050.html#ixzz2sZNXjb68
(Edited by lori100)
10 years ago Report
(Post deleted by LiptonCambell 10 years ago)
LiptonCambell: HAHAHA that? I can make that with a trick of light and some sand too, Lori- doesn't mean it's a statue.....

Why would Nasa post it? And isn't Nasa the enemy? How can you trust their pictures?
10 years ago Report
lori100: Nasa makes mistakes...
10 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: and disclose.tv doesn't, eh? It couldn't be some weird coincidence?
10 years ago Report
lori100: You can go to the original Nasa post of the pic^^^ you do have to zoom in to see it clearly...
10 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: the nasa link is a dead link, Lori.
10 years ago Report
lori100: It worked for me, you can go to the disclose site article, it has the embedded link there to click...
10 years ago Report
Corwin: Here guys... I have a link to it.


10 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: Huh? No Corvin, Im talking about the original image from NASA
10 years ago Report

I used the real image to Photoshop that.


You can see the resemblance of a face in the outcropping of rock to the right... I didn't Photoshop that in my spoof... but we all know about the human brain's tendency for face-recognition... no mystery here.... just a trick of light and shadow.

Take that photo at a different time of day, or from a different angle and the face would likely vanish... just like the "face" seen in the Viking photos.
(Edited by Corwin)
10 years ago Report
Corwin: Yup.
10 years ago Report
LuckyLuckyMe: personally ... I couldnt care about mars ... fgs start spending the wasted money on sorting this planet out .... it needs it . . .
10 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: mars is the first step to ruling the galaxy! Besides, if we spread ourselves out, we can do less damage.....It's easier to clean 4 houses with 5 people in each than 1 house with 20
10 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I say, lets stop wasting money on trying to fix this planet and go find us a new home to ruin. That way, the animals can have this world and we humans can do what comes naturally, cover everything in concrete. Sounds good to me.
10 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: We could cover so much in concrete......oh so much....
10 years ago Report
Corwin: That's what I've always said... we have an entire galaxy full of dead planets and asteroids that we can use for industrial purposes and harvest them for their minerals... we could leave shining gems like Earth to be global nature-preserves. Maybe a few tourist resorts here and there.

Best way to fix the Earth is to leave.
10 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: Although Earth would be the only one with oil
10 years ago Report
Corwin: Ooh.... good point, my friend.

But by the time we develop interstellar travel, I'm sure we can find a way to use solar-energy to directly convert organic molecules (or even basic molecules) into complex hydrocarbons. Fossil-fuels are, when you boil it down, just stored solar-energy... all power sources are "solar"... including wind-power and hydro-electric power.

[edit] with the exception of nuclear-power, which is, in a sense, mimicking the power of a sun.
(Edited by Corwin)
10 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: I always like the idea of a dyson sphere.....I first heard of the idea in a game where, for the endgame, you teleport inside one....it looked so insanely epic...and that's free energy for billions of years....
10 years ago Report
Corwin: The Dyson Sphere is a fascinating concept, that I first read about as a child in sci-fi novels. But the insanely monumental task of building something so enormous is, I suspect, too far of a stretch of the imagination. At best, even if an advanced race could expropriate a million Jupiter-masses of material to construct it, I can't fathom how it could be built piecemeal around an existing star, because of the immense gravity they would be fighting against, (as the poles of the sphere would not benefit from the counteracting pull of orbital motion)... it would have to be built first, then a solar-mass of hydrogen slowly pumped into it's interior to coax a new star into existence.
(my own ponderings, not something I read somewhere)

The "Niven Ring" seems more plausible... but still an unfathomable construction project. A Niven Ring could be built in free-orbit around an existing star, then once completed, accelerated to the 770 miles per second extra-orbital velocity needed to create a 1G centrifugal faux-gravity on the inside surface of the ring.
Which would also require some kind of advanced and unheard-of construction material to withstand those kinds of sheer-forces that would otherwise tear the structure apart.
(If you haven't read Larry Niven's "Ringworld" I would strongly suggest it... one of my favorites)

But as fanciful as these concepts are, I think that planets in orbit around a star seems to be a sufficiently suitable way to make use of this "free energy", without a monumental construction effort.... but it is fun to dream (and who knows what is possible? )
(Edited by Corwin)
10 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: There's actually alot of different plays on the same idea- like a "Dyson Bubble" is where you have billions of space stations parked evenly around a sun, collecting rays, while still having holes all over the place.
10 years ago Report
lori100: The tech already exists...-----------------“We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.” –Ben Rich, Second Director of Lockheed Skunkworks
10 years ago Report