Science Thought Experiment #1 (Page 6)

alpossmar82: Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek a true visionary sorry Shatner the original cast carries the genius in your souls for ever. Quote 'beam me up' was the first realistic time machine, viewers were deceived in visiting unknown planets encompassing earth time in another solar system. However technology malfunctioned 'on a particular episode' and entered the cylindral vortex of less and not equal to a second of time. The Paradox of time and space Hitler brain was never revived as it exists and dies, decomposes for as long as earths existence. The possible cumulation of time will eclipse and equal 1 s as what may had happened in terra dinosaurs extinction, attracting a meteor to clear all organisms on earth to start again. Did anyone catch that episode?
11 years ago Report
CoIin: Q: Why did Ltnt Uhura throw up?
A: Coz William Shatner

You might say, she saw the captain's log
11 years ago Report
alpossmar82: Maybe she was just halucinating.
11 years ago Report
CoIin: She'd better watch out not to choke on her own vomit then. That's what happened to Ltnt Hendrix

11 years ago Report
PIWINK: Is there any real science going on or is this comedy central for turkeys only today?
11 years ago Report
CoIin: Not a good day for turkey comedy

Happy Thanksgiving
11 years ago Report
alpossmar82: The Gecko and Skink are exceptions that escapes the ruins, running through the corridors and crevasses of this light barrier beyond the boson. To enlighten us of evolution and the next generation of humanoids to inhabit Mars, maybe just stem cell or grafts its skin layering.
11 years ago Report
CoIin: My recommendation is that we abandon the thought experiment and go back to not thinking
11 years ago Report
(Post deleted by alpossmar82 11 years ago)
(Post deleted by alpossmar82 11 years ago)
(Post deleted by alpossmar82 11 years ago)
alpossmar82: 'He has the soul of a thousand warriors power of the dead' was this from the movie 'the gathering'?
(Edited by alpossmar82)
11 years ago Report
Corwin: I don't know..... would you like it to be?
11 years ago Report
alpossmar82: Well I fast to redeem reality. The gathering slightly b grade, always far more thought provoking. (Maybe banned downunder in the 80 s) Sci Fi where modern man has to settle for cave dwelling to reciprocate technology. Complete contradiction to Plato. Understanding mentality of another subcullture, can be very dangerous word of mouth I guess.
(Edited by alpossmar82)
11 years ago Report
alpossmar82: Looking to run theory on a thorium dual reactor working with a deep sea drilling operation. The basics will run basic mathematical conceptualisation for a centrifuge mounted adjacent or on top of the rigging systems. The engineering is of some great difficulty with a link towards oil extractions to accompany. Effciency of an operation in generating electricity with a non weaponary use has a positive environmental reinforcement in conservation. In the case severe oil leakage further understanding of both dual system will have possibly instant safety mechanisms. Very radical system that Graphical designers could capture for further debate, still in maths stages of development.
10 years ago Report
Corwin: I had chilli for lunch and it gave me the farts.
10 years ago Report
alpossmar82: Old technology, and theory dinosaur stuff. Corvin you obviously don't work out after a chilli.
10 years ago Report
Corwin: Sure I do... I give myself a rigorous work-out with a regimen of squats and abdominal crunches.
10 years ago Report
alpossmar82: I suspected judgeing a mid range type of metabolism. Anyway some industry math problems I'm trying to put together, some academics don't give out much statistically judgemental the curriculumn is hindering your development to the real science.
Using the binomial therom often the proof theory is a good grounding but even better is use of the golden ratio and contruction of a fibronacci square you can go straight to the differential of the binomial equation using geometric proof. Often a problem for high school student finding the differential of the binomial equation the is a non algebraic way the curriculum don't like.
Anyway the problem will involve the use of that new string past stuff that stands up right, I need a brand name.
10 years ago Report
Corwin: How about "Uberstrand"? That's a good bold sounding brand-name... kind of grabs your attention, and sounds like something you'd be proud to carry to the check-out counter.
Heck, I'd buy it, and I don't even really know what it is.
10 years ago Report
gretle56: I think traveling in time and traveling in space are two different things and if you travel one hour ahead in time that does not mean you move from your spot of destination. You remain in the same spot only 1 hour later. And also if you traveled 1 hour into time, that in itself was a chosen path and as you travel it, you are creating it even though it is in the future 1 hour.. When it comes about in real time you will recognize it.
10 years ago Report
alpossmar82: Some atomic theory analogy stuff. Thorium could produce super fuels that keep the industry alive shelving electric cars for another century. Maybe more efficient hybrids, solid petrol mixed with thorium produced polymers.
(Edited by alpossmar82)
10 years ago Report
DawnGurl: Thorium is MUCH too expensive to use commercially at the moment.
10 years ago Report
alpossmar82: Seen a good patent for circuit adjacent type of switch. Its for electric vehicles that may drive over electric charged circuit on the road for a boost or recharge, not at that stage yet. I think some fibronacci binary set theory was used to do the maths, first by maybe predicting odd or even mevs of a sequence. Big digital stuff, alsi big in maths for a neodymium electomagnetic centrifuge.
10 years ago Report
alpossmar82: Engineers are saying more of a equilibrium in calculus maths, nature of the science is geometric cylindral calculation, geometry priority for brain progression.
(Edited by alpossmar82)
10 years ago Report