Homo sapien Idaltu Humans Religions.

GeraldtheGnome: There is the assumption by some that one or 1/2 or most or all Homo sapiens idaltu Humans and/or one or 1/2 or some or most or all of each or one or some or most Species, Subspecies and Hybrids of Humans used at least one form of Religion, possible, but it is more likely that all Species, Subpecies, Hybrids and Homo sapiens idaltu Humans were Atheists and the Religion was still yet to appear on Earth well after the time that the last Homo sapiens idaltu Human died in what I will round off to 157,900 BC (roughly 160,000 years ago) , technically though this should be considered to be 157,899 BC. See the Topic named Homo sapiens idaltu Humans on Wikipedia and/or see my Forum named Homo sapiens idaltu Humans for more information.
9 years ago Report