Neanderthal Religions.

GeraldtheGnome: There is no evidence whatsoever that even one Neanderthal had even one form of Religion, though it is possible that one or more or all did, though that is very doubtful. Not even for last of one of them as late as 28,000 years ago, which is the assumed moment when the last Neanderthal died was there any sign of a for certain use of Religion. The thing is that those with already Religious beliefs saw Burial Sites of Neanderthals, as well as other things by Neanderthals and then assumed that at least one of those things meant that it showed the sign that at least one of them had a form of Religion. The thing is, though it is assumed, even by me, that all Neanderthals, including the assumed last one 28,000 years ago, which I round off to 27,900 BC, were all Atheists. Maybe only one or some or 1/2 or most were Atheists or one or some or 1/2 or most or all had at least one form of Religion. At the moment no one really knows, this situation though may change for either that Religion was used or that it can be shown to be any of the things that I have mentioned was and is still the case for these long extinct Neanderthals.
9 years ago Report
If only the Neanderthal would've accepted Jesus, God wouldn't have let them die out.

9 years ago Report
calybonos: I suppose it wasn't their fault.

There were no calendars back then to let them know which day was Sunday.
And those caves all look the same, so how could you tell which one of them was the church?
9 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Jesus, if he ever did exist and if he does, of which there is no certainty to that, just the possibility of either or both, just as there is a possibility to that he didn't exist and that he doesn't, but if he ever did or now does he certainly wasn't around that far back. If there is a God and if there was, of which there is no certainty to, only that of the possibility of both or either as much as there is that he didn't exist and that he doesn't, it doesn't matter because there is no reason that if he did exist that he would or wouldn't have let them die out. To hardcore Christians and might I add the Bible itself, there is not and was not supposed to be Humans of any Species and/or Subspecies before that of Modern Day Humans. Therefore to there incorrect way of thinking Neanderthals never even existed.
9 years ago Report